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What do you think about italy?

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:10 pm
by Dareltibus
In particular wich are your opinions about:

-Italy medias
-Silvio Berlusconi
-Beppe Grillo
-Italian politics

I ask here because I really can't rely on local newspapers:/
one newspaper say a thing and the other one say the opposite. What should know a Italian from people living in other countries?

Re: What do you think about italy?

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:46 pm
by hendu
Berlusconi is a clown and a criminal, and we here in the north can't figure out why the heck did you vote him. I don't really follow the rest.

Re: What do you think about italy?

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:54 pm
by Stauricus
penso que me piace tantissimo! voglio conoscerla un giorno.

but politics is a global downside, not only in Italy. in Brazil it's something that everyone complains.
the problem in Italy is it's too liberal politics. i.e. l'imunnità is something that shoudn't exist. you can't put so much power in the hands of the state.

in my opinion, Berlusconi and his gang are f#cking italian politics. now, his party fusioned with another one, so you can expect them to be more powerful. he may be "out" of politics, but his hand is not.

about the media, don't use only one source, never. media always follows its and its friends interests. other than that, is just the same media from over the world...


Re: What do you think about italy?

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:56 pm
by randomMesh
hendu wrote:Berlusconi is a clown and a criminal, and we here in the north can't figure out why the heck did you vote him.
The media is pretty biased towards Berlusconi because he owns all the newspapers and television broadcasting companies. Or something like that.

Re: What do you think about italy?

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:43 am
by Dareltibus
I think that every italian should listen to your opinions, unluckily we here still belevie to only 1 media source, despite the disaster Berlusconi caused in italy, he was still able to get 25% of the votes. Media are all against the only political force that can beat Berlusconi (it's the first time I see a media explicitly lying against someone), the so called "movimento 5 stelle". And since we are some kind of "lost case" there is no more interest from world media's and so getting reliable information about italy from other countries is getting harder.

Just think that recently Berlusconi was able to get in a big city ~40% of votes almost causing his victory.. again O_O.

Just to show you the power of media here in italy:
What really happened:
"A man has fired agaist the police(carabinieri) close to the Chigi Palace, the politicians have condemned the violence "

What media told:
"A man has fired agaist the police(carabinieri) close to the Chigi Palace, 'movimento 5 stelle' have condemned the violence "

this resulted in 4-5 % less preferences for movimento 5 stelle.

Is there anyone who want to hire me outside italy? :)