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Implementing exhaust-glow effect.

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:41 pm
by Isomorphix
Hello guys, I've been working on a futuristic racer but I've run into an issue. I'm new into the 3d world and I've been wondering, what's the best* way to implement the exhaust-glow effect?

* By that I mean the most efficient in terms of speed, ease of use and reuseability

For instance, something like this

I've been thinking about it all day but I'm clueless :roll: . I considered creating a cylinder in blender but that would be messy since the normals would point outward and the glow would be invisible from the inside.
I also tried the billboard in SpecialFX but it runs slowly when adding subdivisions to make it look smoother :( .

Is there a simple way, without an external library?

I've looked into some games and I saw that the glow is a seperate model-particle-whatever and it's loaded beforehand.

Re: Implementing exhaust-glow effect.

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:09 pm
by Isomorphix
IVolumeLight worked like a charm as long as the scale doesn't exceed 10, After that you loose around 5 fps per 10.0f. No clue why.

Re: Implementing exhaust-glow effect.

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:36 pm
by smso
You may also achieve this by using two perpendicular quads with appropriate textures without killing the fps.


Re: Implementing exhaust-glow effect.

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:17 pm
by sudi
you can also achieve this with one quad that rotates to face the camera.