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[Help]Frogames Wizard pack into Irrlicht

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:10 pm
by serokon
Hey Irrcom!
I just buyed the wizard pack from Frogames (50% discount for xmas).
It was made for Unity3D and I got some problems for importing it into Irrlicht.

The pack contains .3ds max files, in main parts one character and 31 Animations.
My Problem: The 31 Animations are in different files...
So normaly I just would need to get every 31 Animations in one File and then just export it to .x or whot ever.

But I realy dont know how to do this I use 3ds max just for simple animations.
Of course I googled, but also a Problem is that every Animation is from 1-X so I also need to put them in the right time.
Could you maybe give me a hint how I can put them together ?
Also Frogames used a mounting system for beards and Weapons I just know that their are 3 Points for mounting them but not how :(
Thanks in advance, Sero

Re: [Help]Frogames Wizard pack into Irrlicht

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:56 am
by christianclavet
HI, I'm using Fragmotion mostly for doing just that.

also Frogames used a mounting system fo ... not how :(
My project is open source, and I can`t use their assets due to the license, so I don't know about how their mounting points are build.

But, I think it is just "nulls" that weapons and beard are connected to. So I think you could export it all (the scene) and all the stuff should be there. If you decide to add stuff in you project, with theses "mount point" It would be easy if you decide to "attach" object to theses "nulls", just find the bone name with Irrlicht and parent the weapon to it.

Since I've not checked the stuff from Frogames, I'm not 100% sure, just hope this can help.

Re: [Help]Frogames Wizard pack into Irrlicht

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:35 pm
by serokon
first thank you for your reply.
The mounting problem was just stupid from me, I am now getting the system behind it and it seems pretty easy.
I know Fragmotion and use the free Version but he just displays the .fbx files wrong for me.
Can you give me a hint for a good exported file version and maybe also how I add mulitiple animations to one :P?
Have a nice day, Sero

Re: [Help]Frogames Wizard pack into Irrlicht

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 6:01 pm
by christianclavet
Sometimes, I use the PANDA exporter with MAX to export the mesh as .X, when It doesn't seem to work correctly with the FBX version. Sorry seem that I cannot put link anymore, if you don't have it just google for it. I use MAX 2012 and my exported FBX are working ok with Fragmotion most of the time.

One thing to remember, is that when you add animations to others, each exported scene MUST have the same bones hierarchy. So you must use the same skeleton for all the animations that you are joining together.

The way it work, is that the bone hierarchy, is written first, then for the rest of the animation frames is refering to that skeleton, so adding things later is not possible.

Re: [Help]Frogames Wizard pack into Irrlicht

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:35 pm
by serokon
This totaly seems to solve my problem.
But it does not work yet because when I export the animations to .x he cant display the Texture (in my game & map Editor he can!!).
(Displays the same .x file , I know that I didnt added a head texture xP)
The Fragmotion settings show that he uses the textures dont know why its not working...
Tried it yesterday 1 hour, their is no animated file format I can export to and import in Fragmotion without problems o.0
So it would be great if you have a idea why .x is not working.

Re: [Help]Frogames Wizard pack into Irrlicht

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:50 pm
by christianclavet
Hi, Serokon!

PANDA/FBX export: You need to export also the textures when you export the model and put them in the same path of the model.
when I export the animations to .x he cant display the Texture (in my game & map Editor he can!!).
If the textures are displaying in the end, why are you saying it's not working?

One thing to remember when you export model that have textures, is to have the textures in the same path of the model. Perhaps when you exported your model, then opened it in the other application that did not find them (the texture where not in the specified path), then opened it in your game that your have copied the textures and worked there.

If you use Fragmotion, I would recommend that you export the final result as .B3D that is currently the best supported format for Irrlicht. For some reason the .X format is 10 times slower to playback animations. (Ex: set the FPS to 30 for a B3D, you have to set it to 300FPS for a .X to have visually the same speed of animation). I mentioned this long ago to the dev, but it is not fixed yet). That is the main reason, I don't use .X files with Irrlicht.

Re: [Help]Frogames Wizard pack into Irrlicht

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:43 pm
by serokon
I use 3ds max 2014 and their is only 1 addon for .x exporting and this create this strange file I posted the screen.
Thats the SAME File from 3ds Max Export (left screen I opened in Fragmotion and right in coppercube).
Because of this it seems so stupid to me why he cant display it in Fragmotion.
Here is a screen of Export in Fragmotion now and this opened in Coppercube:
.fbx he simply cant open, also with textures in the same Folder. Fragmotion just says "an error occurred"
Hope you can understand me.
Thanks for .b3d hint, I already played a bit with it around and also think its the best solution.

Re: [Help]Frogames Wizard pack into Irrlicht

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:28 pm
by christianclavet
Ha! I see the texture, but there is no lighting in your scene! :)