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PolygonBattle - The other Space Invaders...

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:32 am
by TheMrCerebro
Hey :D
Finally finished my new project, it is a space invaders but with another game system, now you can kill are the obstacles :twisted:


Can you get better score than me :wink: ?

Re: PoligonBattle - The other Space Invaders...

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:30 pm
by CuteAlien
Less than 1 MB including sound - cool :-)

Game is a nice first tech-demo, but now you got already that far and the basics working so well you should add a few more improvements. I guess you thought of this yourself already, but still recommending some:
- Boni-elements to collect. The first one should be auto-fire to rescue the poor 'x' key :-)
- Different forms for obstacles
- More stages (or stages changing faster - I only was in stage 1 after playing several minutes...)
- instead of a flat floor ... make the whole level follow some 3d bezier curves

Also are you certain you want to call it PoligonBattle and not maybe PolygonBattle?

Re: PoligonBattle - The other Space Invaders...

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:45 pm
by TheMrCerebro
Less than 1 MB including sound - cool :-)
Yes, I did some modification to the Irrlicht engine adding sound, improved shadows and eliminating what is not needed. Practically I just make another new engine :lol:

You are absolutely right on the recommendations, but I'm very impatient and before the idea was finished, I decided to show it.
I have in mind to add some more obstacles and enemy to the end zones, plus power ups.