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My first android game (but with Unity)

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:48 pm
by Nyx Erebos
I guess it's not very well seen to talk about games made with another engine on an engine forum, but since a noname like me has next to no exposure I can't get people's feedback.

Just to clarify, it's not a marketing campaign :lol: because it's not a "real" game, I made it only to teach myself how to use unity.

I want feedback because I only have one android device to do tests and unity's editor has some flaws. Thus I'm concerned about the display with different resolutions (letterbox, pillarbox, all that jazz).

The game is free and the only permission needed is the network access (for ads but you don't have to click on them and there are no ads during gameplay).

So if someone has some time to kill and wants to test it, I could use the help :wink:

Here's the link : ... nyx.KatchM

Re: My first android game (but with Unity)

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:49 pm
by Nyx Erebos
I took down the game as there were many bugs.

I finally found out how to use the android emulation so I got to test another new game I made with unity (so hopefully bug free). Here's the link if you want to try it : ... inbowSnake