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Hiding the IrrlichtDevice

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:20 am
by atsmith
Hello everyone!

I have a question about hiding the IrrlichtDevice's window on creation of the device and displaying the window at some point of my choosing (this is not about the console device, as I already know how to deal with that). I am wondering if the only way that I will be able to do this is to create a native window beforehand and send that in via the SIrrlichtCreationParameters, or if there is another way to do this without having to touch the OS' native API. Using:

Code: Select all

    irr::IrrlichtDevice* device = ...;
    device->minimizeWindow( );
does not get me the result that I am after. In SIrrlichtCreationParameters, there is no option to hide the device, and in the documentation for IrrlichtDevice there is no hide() or show() functions for the device.

Is this possible without modifying the Irrlicht API or touching the OS' native API?


Re: Hiding the IrrlichtDevice

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:24 am
by hendu
No, there is no portable way to do so. I assume you don't want the window in the taskbar and alt-tab queue?

Re: Hiding the IrrlichtDevice

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:28 am
by atsmith
hendu wrote:No, there is no portable way to do so. I assume you don't want the window in the taskbar and alt-tab queue?
Correct. So I will have to do it only for those systems that I am supporting. Okay, can do! Thanks!