I needed to extract the entities from a Quake 3 BSP file. I heard of a project from plummi, but it had not been updated for a whole year. This is why I built my own extractor instead of sleeping last night .
What this utility does is fetching every entities from a BSP/MAP file and give them to a parser. Each parser implements the same interface. This way you can easily add your own parser to the project in a matter of minutes. I wrote a standard BSP, a CSV and an XML parser in less than half an hour!
This project is written in C# so you will need the .NET platform to run it. All comments will be greatly appreciated. If you have a question don't hesitate.
The project binaries and source code are located there :
what about light pos? can it also grab that? It would come in handy in case you want to reinforce a certain lightmapped area of your map with an Irrlicht-native particle system.
Unfortunately, "light" entities aren't present in BSP files. The reason I created this extractor was to place my custom entities (like particle systems) while mapping and create them at runtime with Irrlicht.
I looked at MAP files and they DO contain the "light" entities. Perhaps it would come in handy to rewrite my utility to read from MAP files instead! I think I'll do that right now and repost once updated.
Id love to have my hands on this one too! There is one in affecelis's ftp too, but its not complete only imports _info! It is opensource so anyone can complete!