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Get GL_RENDERER string without calling OpenGL

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:10 am
by JohnMH
I'm writing platform independent code where I want to be able to get the full vendor string and put it into a native UI element.

I have found that I can access GL_VENDOR using irrDevice->getVideoDriver()->getVendorInfo().c_str()

Is it possible to do something like this using GL_RENDERER? Looking through the current source, it seems like there is not.
(See Line 234 of COpenGLDriver.cpp)

I would like to keep from calling GL myself if possible. I also support D3D on Windows.

Re: Get GL_RENDERER string without calling OpenGL

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:21 am
by hendu
In this case, calling glGetWhatever after the context is set up is perfectly safe, because it doesn't change GL state. Otherwise you'd need to wait for that abstraction to be added.

Re: Get GL_RENDERER string without calling OpenGL

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 3:45 pm
by JohnMH
I guess that leaves me with two questions then.

Is the GL context still set after createDeviceEx is called?