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compiling version 1.8.3

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:29 am
by hlwerschner
After several years absence, I wanted to revisit Irrlicht and I downloaded the zip for 1.8.3 and found that I have to compile everything for my Windows 10 PC! I have an OS with all updates, and use VS2015 which also should be on latest fix level. Additionally I have installed the win 10 development sdk...

The compile in VS2015 runs (with some warnings) etc until it steps onto the D3DX9shader.h file which is not found on my PC.... I checked the forum here and did find some msgs which talk about similar problems but it looks as if that prob is old(somwhere 2014...). One Solution should be to use the SVN trunc instead of the zip...

OK, I could not find any mentioning in the downloads or news how to get to that trunk, but searching around in the net I finally found some r503 version that seems to be one of the latest svn entries (for today). After replacing the ZIP package completely with the trunk files, I restarted the compile and was able to compile...until the same DX9 errors pop up.

Questions: Is the irrlicht package fixed on DirectX9 and can not be compiled on Win 10 which has a newer DirectX level?
Or are the project files for VS2015 not adapted for an install under Windows10?

I do not have PCs with older OS versions and/or DirectX 9 available and will not try to "merge" old stuff into my running PC OS. What is the correct way to install Irrlicht with VS2015 under Windows10?

Any constructive help is appreciated, thank you in advance.

Re: compiling version 1.8.3

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:31 am
by mongoose7
You need the DirectX SDK. Not the DirectX runtime, but the SDK. There have been posts on the matter on this forum.

Re: compiling version 1.8.3

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 11:22 am
by hlwerschner
Hmm, this is (a bit) confusing. According to Microsoft ( ... 5-edition/) it is said:

As noted on MSDN, the DirectX SDK is deprecated. The June 2010 release is the last release, and “DirectX” is now part of the Windows SDK. There are really only three scenarios where you should continue to use the old DirectX SDK:

You have code (or perhaps an older book) that makes use of D3DX9, D3DX10, D3DX11, or XACT Engine.
Your application uses use XAudio2 and supports Windows 7 systems.
You are targeting Windows XP with the alternate v1x0_xp Platform Toolset.

Developer Runtime: The Windows 8.1 SDK or Windows 10 SDK is where you obtain the latest DirectX Developer Runtime that is compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8.0, and Windows 8.1. The DirectX Developer Runtime for Windows 10 is an optional Windows feature you enable in the operating system. You can also enable it on Windows 10 via the command-line using an admin prompt:

Dism /online /add-capability /capabilityname:Tools.Graphics.DirectX~~~~

D3DX: All versions of D3DX are deprecated including D3DX9, D3DX10, and D3DX11. See Living without D3DX for replacements and recommendations including DirectX Tool Kit, DirectXTex, DirectXMesh, and UVAtlas on GitHub.

So, who / what is correct ? I have installed that "Windows SDK"... Btw, I am just installing "OpenSceneGraph" from latest sources and this is compiling fine (it is using OpenGL). So far, I guess that my VS2015 is working OK for this type of C++ software.

Any comment for DirectX on Windows 10 regarding above Microsoft statements ?

Re: compiling version 1.8.3

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:33 pm
by Agent_X
You could take DirectX out of the equation and just use OpenGL.

Re: compiling version 1.8.3

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:01 am
by Vectrotek
If you want to recompile your Irrlicht Engine, but you don't want to have to
download the VERY LARGE Direct X SDK June 2010..
Get this..
It is only the HEADERS and LIBS you need in your IDE to recompile a custom version of the Irrlicht 3D Engine..
ONLY 2.49 Megs! (let me know if it was usefull) ... 9159436532