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Mobile ports tutorials

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:17 pm
by extrino
Hello everyone!

I apologize for a very basic question: just where's the starting point of reading about mobile platforms ports?

I mean instructions like from ... 23#p292408 (sorry, url code is disabled) by CuteAlien should be in some readme, or tutorial, shouldn't they? And I'd like to be able to understand from some other previous tutorial reading what define he meant (to simulate the touch input on desktop).

I got the ogl_es branch (sourceforge's get snapshot button), but no example 27 there (there are 1-26,29,30). I see some instructions in example 1 ("hello world") though. I however would like to see other examples too, like using multi-touch input (is it implemented?), etc. Searching forum posts in order to figure out something just doesn't look to be the right way to get an app ported.

Or, may be mobile ports are really very involved, and you intentionally don't want to officially support them, in order to avoid writing a whole new mobile tutorial? Official mobile support is a must in the future, and such a tutorial can be a first step towards it.

Right now I have no specific problems. I am in the process of deciding which engine to use. Just looking, and trying to evaluate how much efforts mobile ports (both, ios and android) are gonna take.


Re: Mobile ports tutorials

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 7:46 pm
by CuteAlien
OGL-es branch is still in development. So examples 27 got renamed to 01.HelloWorld_Android (didn't want to add a new number for each platform and that way we can port other examples as well over time).
Multi-touch input is probably only accessible through events, but not used by Irrlicht anywhere.
The define I meant - I simply used some define in my own code to switch between the PC and Android (for details you would have to check the real code here: ... _touch.cpp).

Re: Mobile ports tutorials

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 9:28 pm
by extrino
Thank you for very fast reply! Other than (absence of) official mobile support - Irrlicht looks very nice for my needs.

Ok, no tutorial. May be there's a starting forum post? If no, may be you could give several links to some of your "best" posts, that contain the main info that will go to the tutorial? :) Both ios and android.

Re: Mobile ports tutorials

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 1:07 am
by denzelbro
last time I tried the android example builds and works straight w/o problems, no idea w/ ios since I use only android dev.

I do see the android port was minimal though it seems to be w/o issues (so far). I just think a cross platform context and library like SDL would ease other things like controls and bring more interfaces (audio/net, 3rd party libs) across these targets.

Re: Mobile ports tutorials

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:47 pm
by LunaRebirth
I made an Android tutorial a while back for setting up a project with Android Studio.
See ... =5&t=52182

The iOS version was also pretty easy to set up on XCode (though I did find a few issues in the Irrlicht source -- I had to modify the iOS device source for multi-touch).

In the Irrlicht OGL-ES branch, it's easy to set up multi-touch events using the event.TouchInput.ID in the event receiver.