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Insecuret logins to forum

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:39 pm
by chronologicaldot
I've noticed for a while now that doesn't give me a secure connection but does. This has been persistent for a while. Maybe that has something to do with the hack (?) we had last year? It's not just my browser either. I've tried multiple browsers and had the same problem.

Re: Insecuret logins to forum

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 7:11 pm
by CuteAlien
Yeah, have to switch to https. Basically needs me to click a button and then hope nothing breaks. Because I have no clue how to repair it when it breaks and there is no button to switch back. And I may have to adapt some stuff in phpBB for the forum - just don't know what. So never pressed the button. Have to figure it out some day (sorry, I'm just a c++ coder, server/admin stuff is nothing I know much about so I tend to ignore it unless it breaks).