Assessment of the difficulty in porting CPU architecture for irrlicht

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Assessment of the difficulty in porting CPU architecture for irrlicht

Post by wangyuxuan »

Hello everyone! I am working on implementing a tool to assess the complexity of CPU architecture porting. It primarily focuses on RISC-V architecture porting. In fact, the tool may have an average estimate of various architecture porting efforts.My focus is on the overall workload and difficulty of transplantation in the past and future,even if a project has already been ported.As part of my dataset, I have collected the **irrlicht** project. **I would like to gather community opinions to support my assessment. I appreciate your help and response!** Based on scanning tools, the porting complexity is determined to be simple, with a small amount of code related to the CPU architecture in the project. Is this assessment accurate?Do you have any opinions on personnel allocation and consumption time? I look forward to your help and response.
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Re: Assessment of the difficulty in porting CPU architecture for irrlicht

Post by CuteAlien »

Hi. First quick note - I removed the other post, no need to have same thread in 2 sub-forums.

So your tool said it's easy to port Irrlicht to RISC-V? I assume that's probably correct, as Irrlicht tries to be portable. And has been ported already to run on RISC hardware (not sure about V). But no clue how long it would take. I guess depends a lot on what your specific system offers (like does it have OpenGL already).
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