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[SO] irrlicht-0.9 precompiled examples crashing with directx

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:57 am
by oconv
in irrlicht-0.9 the precompiled examples in /bin/VisualStudio are crashing with directx8 and directx9c. with opengl it'is ok.
in irrlicht-0.8 they run with all devices. so what was changed with directx in 0.9 compared to 0.8?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 2:14 pm
by niko
Wow, interesting. Can anybody confirm this? And oconv, could you try and find out where exactly they crash?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 2:29 pm
by Dryas123

ich habe das selbe Problem, aber nicht nur bei den Beispielen, sondern auch wenn ich in einem selbstkompilierten Beispiel das DirectX8/9 Device ansprechen will... OpenGL funktioniert einwandfrei...

Ich benutze aber nicht Visual Studio sondern DevCpp...


P.S.: Einen etwas genaueren Fehler kann ich heute Abend posten. ;)

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 2:39 pm
by loki1985
kann ich bestätigen....

hab aber auch ne schrottige onboard graka mit 64 MB von intel.... :(


stürzt eher nicht ab, sondern beendet sich beim starten einfach, right?
liegt daran, dass das mingw/devcpp-build kein D3D unterstützt!!!

was ich aber nicht ganz verstehe, da es modifizierte libs/includes für dx8 und dx9 gibt, welche mit mingw funktionieren.....
ob die 100% legal sind weiss ich auch nicht.....

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:48 pm
by oconv
stürzt eher nicht ab, sondern beendet sich beim starten einfach, right?
that is exact what's happening.

ok, i could figure out the problem :) and solve it...

too many open applications. looks like there was not enough grafic power left.
i had similar issues with self compiled levels in opengl mode. with too many apps open, the framerate dropped dramaticly.

geforce4 ti 4200 128mb as quadro4 780XGL

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:15 pm
by Emil_halim
me too, With DX9 the Demos always crash.

i know the slution and apply it to my Engine , and it wroks.

the problem is in D3D_SDK_VERSION of

pID3D = (*d3dCreate)(D3D_SDK_VERSION);

so change it to

pID3D = (*d3dCreate)(31);


Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:28 pm
by niko
Emil_halim wrote:me too, With DX9 the Demos always crash.
Hm, interesting. What d3d sdk do you have installed? And where does the engine crash exactly? Inside that function?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:38 pm
by Emil_halim
i am using VC++ TOOLKIT 2003 and also DevC++.

so i use the Microsoft SDK and DirectX90c.DevPak.

but i test this with DevC++

it crashs when creating DX9 as i mentioned.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 8:28 pm
by Emil_halim
sorry i must be more clearly about Crashing.

when Engine tries to create DX9 by

pID3D = (*d3dCreate)(D3D_SDK_VERSION);

it always return zero, so pID3D will be 0.

it carshs when you try to use pID3D for calling.
