I remimber seeing questions like this on a C++ competition I took place in out here where I live. I asked my Computer Science teacher what it was, and he hadn't a clue.Looks a bit like Dijkstra's to me, Dijkstra's also searches in a circular way. With an heap it can reach speeds of O(|E|log|V|) (E=edge V=vertex) while it seems like your path algorithm still has a speed of O(|V|2) (I may be wrong though). If you need speed on large maps you might look into A* (a 'smart' variant on Dijkstra's).
The thing looks something like O(*math stuff here*), and is used to describe the amount of time it takes to solve a function.. I think.
Could somebody explain WHAT the O(*****) means, and how to use it, and how to understand it?
Thanks. I've been wanting to know for about 2 years now. But it's problebly on the bottom of my gotta research list