New unique game idea

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New unique game idea

Post by Taliesen »

Ok, I think that I am getting in over my head here. But I thought that I would throw this out anyways, and see what kind of prizes I could dig up. I have little-no programming experience in c++, and am working frantically to try and ammend that, staying up late every night and surfing forums such as these, along with studying code, graphics engines, and code theory. There is a lot of stuff to learn. So I am for all intensive purposes of the word, a programming noob. I work in a professional sound studio, and am a game designer by nature. And I have a new idea for a game, which would be truly...unique. I will explain the game and the team that I believe I would need to pull it off.

First the Game:

It is a mmorpg, which stresses on role playing more then any other game before it, yet still provides the hack and slash which so many people love about this genre. The world, if possible will be seamless, and dynamic. Meaning that a player could potentially build their own house, or cut down a tree, or pick up a rock. The basic theme is that the game when first started begins in the dawn of time, and as players join, interact, and discover and build they advance through different ages, albeit slowly. Players would belong to tribes, that would eventually become nations, with wars, alliances, economies, technologies, all unique to that group of people. Territories would be faught over, and could be expanded or lost. All of this guided by the players input into the game. The story would be created as the game progressed.

The Dream Team:

This is the team that I believe I would need to accomplish this, remember these are very minimum, a few more programmers or modelers never hurt anyone.

1 Lead Programmer who knows c++ inside and out.
2 Assistant Programmers who know one of the following:
-3d Graphics
2 Modelers, who are both good and efficient, turning out a new model at least every week
2 Skinners who can at least keep up with the modelers efforts
1 Website designer/maintainer
1 Sound Producer(me)

I have no income to pay for this dream team to work on. However all would earn a percent of the profits made when the game is released. That is assuming anyone would want to buy it. Just one more quick spec too, I am planning on using the Irrlicht engine for the graphics. So being familiar with that engine is always a plus.

Thanks for listening,

Post by Guest »

(im not applying, just commenting)
so, basically like a strategy game, except controlling one unit? and with a VR twist.
i like it, id buy it once its done
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Post by firefly2442 »

I like the dynamic idea but how would you keep things "even" so that one group doesn't get too powerful? :)
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Post by Robomaniac »

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this has been done before, not too unique :\
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Post by hansmbakker »

world of warcraft?
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Post by Robomaniac »

Most every modern mmorpg?
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Post by keless »

actually, it hasnt successfully been done on the level that he's talking about.

it is however, not entirely unique. Let me lay out the terms "Data Driven Design" and "Divergence" which are at the core of his vague idea. Basically, you put out the building blocks and the gamers are what actually put that together into higher level structures in the simulation. As far as physical simulation, the closest MMO that does that is called "Second Life"-- it allows users to build physical objects using a series of primitives.

This kind of thing requires a lot of processing power, however, especially when you want those destructable objects to have logic associated with them (in the case of 'resources' such as trees-- they have to have a growth algorithm so that there is enough to support the population in a balanced way but that also means you ahve to worry about where a new tree is placed, etc etc.. the headaches go on).

So, basically its not a unique idea, but it hasnt really been done yet because its really freaking hard.
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Post by Fraza »


I certainly wouldn't mind helping. I could definetly give you some tips on how to do this, the dynamic moving from area to area seems a little tricky, yet it could be accomplished.

I am not particularly a C++ programmer. although I am a fairly skilled programmer, my expertise (lol) mainly lie in problem solving more than 3D graphoics and I would have no trouble picking up a concept.

If you want help, my E-Mail address is in my profile.

I have copies of the following useful programs:

Delphi 2005 (with .NET)
Delphi 5
Microsoft Visual C++
Image editting software

If you're interested, just e-mail me.

*Edit: I seriously recommend you use OGRE for the graphics, Irrlicht is very good, but OGRE is outstanding.
Last edited by Fraza on Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Taliesen »

@Firefly - Basically, since characters are randomly assigned to their particular group, the numbers would at least stay even. However it is set up to allow certain groups to become more powerful, if they discover more technologies etc...Like in life, not every country has equal power, which throws in a lot of diplomacy rp for those that are weaker if they want to survive.

@Robomaniac - I know that some of the concepts, perhaps all of the concepts have been done before in one ore another mmorpg. However I have not seen them all put into one game before, and I know that none of them start with an empty world for the players to build. And if there is one that I do not know about, I apologize for my ignorance, and would like to know about it so I can play it.

@hansmbakker - um, no...?

@ Keless - Thank you, I could use your help in planning :wink: . As far as the rescources go, I do not think it would be that hard. It may take more processor power then I would like, as I said before, those kind of specifics I am total noob in, which is why I need a team. But as to where the trees would be placed, designate an area as 'forest' and whenever a new tree is placed it must be placed in that area with certain rules as to its relation to other trees, ie. how close it can be, etc.

@Taliesen - I realize that this would be a very difficult project, even for a very good team. I just wanted to see if there might be anyone who would like to try it. And look, we already have one person who would buy it :!: And that is good enough for me. :lol:
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Post by keless »

I cant say that I can really help you plan it, because I think its out of even my league (and I'm a seasoned programmer). I can however give you some comments, and if you're following IrrlichtRPG you're welcome to that code (though its goal is only 32 connections, or ~100 if I'm a better programmer than I thought). I'll have a simple client-server sample ready to go in the next week.
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Post by Taliesen »

Well, you gotta start somewhere. I will start following it now. And if you need any music for it I can help you out. I am also learning to model. Which is difficult sometimes.
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Post by exal »

Hmmm. You should go to gamedev and read the help wanted sticky and help messages.

You usually end up being flamed for a post like this but most people stay civil here. :)

I think this is a dream project for most programmers, artists and game designers. But it's out of our reach as hobby developers. The budgets are usually around $10 000 000 for making a game like this. I would expect the team to look something like this

Programmers 12-18
Artists 25
designers 1 lead, 2 story writers, 10 level designers
Testers 10 (in the end of the project)

Well anyway I think as a noob programmer/designer you come in with tons of ideas and energy and it just normally ends up with nothing in a few months since no one with the right experience will want to help you.

I have several times started out making a normal single player RPG. It always ends with me being the only one left and the project run out of steam. So my suggestion is that if you can round up the people for single player RPG, 1 programmer (you I guess), 1 designer, 1 artist (for 3D, including animation). You take the lead in the project and spend all you waking hours with helping out with programming and coordinating the project I would be interested in making a RPG though not an MMORPG.

Just making a single player RPG is a huge thing to make. Hmmm well for a small team it's HUGE!!! But I am willing to give it a try if you can handle the rest and you are willing to write that in blood. :)

Hmmm enough ranting.
I am a programmer that has been working since 1997 (professionally) with developing software.
I am a good C++ programmer
I have built a 3D engine myself in DX, but why spend the time when excellent engines like irrlicht exists.

Well that is my suggestion. If you have a better one let me know :)

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Post by VeneX »

do you think this is unique? everyone dreams about this, I even wrote ten pages with details.
Hey guys, remember me? I will continue my project when I have time but I have a ICT study now
Visit my website @
Plethora project will be added to the site
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Post by Guest »

I would want to help you, im not that good at programming yet, although i begin to know the irrlicht engine quite good. I have a friend who may want to help (hes good at modeling organic stuff, mostly humans). I can program a bit, i can model (mostly buildings, im bad at organic) and im good at making textures (very good).
so, if you want my help, email me at
ill talk about it with my friend, maybe he wants to help 2
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Post by after-life »

sry, that last post was me :p forgot to login
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