Why my compiles irrlicht.dll is biger???

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Why my compiles irrlicht.dll is biger???

Post by katoun »

I have compiled irrlicht0.9 myself with Visual C++ 2003 and my irrlicht.dll is 2.5MB where the one from the SDK is only 1.3MB .
An other problem all the examples compiled with the new dll work half slower.
How could I solv that problem?
Help please.
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Post by Chris »

Your not by any chance compiling in bebug mode, if so change it to release. Although I'm not sure how to go about that using VC++2003.

If it's not that then I can't think of anything, well not off the top of my head.
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Post by afecelis »

The size of your dll depends on 3 things:

1.If you're compiling on debug or release mode (like Chris said)
2.Which code optimizations you're using. There are optimizations specific for filesize or perhaps you're including optimizations you might not need making your dll (and exes) bigger
3. How much modified your Irrlicht version is. The heavier the mods, the heavier the dll. Try compiling original Irrlicht in release mode and compare it to your modded version.
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Post by katoun »

10X for your information, but :cry: how do I compile in release mode in VC++ 2003?
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Post by bal »

Build -> Configuration Manager -> Change the combobox to Release instead of Debug.
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Post by katoun »

10X all for your help.
I looked for the option and foud it.
It works great now.
:lol: I workin in VC++ for over 2 years and I didn't now that. It's killing me...
Anyway 10X angain.
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