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Tutorials in c#

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 12:16 am
by ElricDog
Today i landed on Irrlicht, few hours ago.
I'm a fan of Ogre but i love c#, and Axiom is growing so slow and not clear.
I was following Irrlicht developing but since today i never try to develop anything with it.
Now i'm surprised. Its fast, robust and well structurated.
I managed to port the sample 11 (parallax bumpmapping).
I have had to add some missing functionalities to .NET dll like:
- MeshManipulator class
- CreateMeshWithTangents
- MakePlanarTextureMapping
- MakeNormalMapTexture of driver class

I want to port all samples and make the necessari changes to .NET dll and i want to know if someone has been doing this before.

Later i will try to find some inet hard disk space to put the code & bins of tut 11 in c#.

sorry for my english. :roll:

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 10:10 am
by r2d2
Great work dude! Keep it up!
If you still need space you can put the files up on mine. I got unlimited traffic.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 7:01 pm
by ElricDog
I have managed to run my web server and i have uploaded my first tutorial port. Is the tuto 02.Quake3Map_cs.

Test it if you want (please readme the txt file first).

I'm finishing some incomplete stuff and i will upload 11.PerPixelLighting_cs later.

thx r2d2 i have sended a pm.

Re: Tutorials in c#

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 8:22 pm
by niko
Nice that you like Irrlicht.
ElricDog wrote: I'm a fan of Ogre but i love c#, and Axiom is growing so slow and not clear.
Yep, Irrlicht.NET is growing slow as well. But I'm trying to get faster/better. :) Nice work, btw! :)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 8:42 pm
by katoun
I am a C++ lover and today I had a look to the Irrlicht.NET.
I was 'terraafied' at fist and then got the sintax abit.

There is one question in my mind though:
What benefites gives C# over C++ if there are some?
The ansuer would surely determin me to learn C# or not.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 12:13 am
by ElricDog
New tutorials release.

I added tuto 11.PerPixelLighting_cs.
Its almost finished (read the txt on zip).
I cleaned the structure to allow a faster development of tutorials port.

Its amazing how fast is the learning curve of Irrlicht.

katoun: c# vs c++.
Imho i thing that c++ is old obsolete language. c# is the future. Easy to learn, Powerful, Versatile, Robust, with a lot of new functionalities that helps alot. Microsoft (Skynet :p) is launching a great campaing to kill java and similar competitors. Few weeks ago they release a free c# ide/compiler for nonprofit developers.
On the other hand c++ is faster, is well known, and a lot of people loves it.
If you know delphi, c# is to c++ the same that is delphi to pascal.

My level of english don't allow me to explain all the things that i could say. Simply give it a try.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 7:10 am
by ctt
Good work ElricDog. One problem that I had with Irrlicht.NET is that when the memory usage goes too high.. then the C# garbage collector kicks in and sometimes the SceneManager gets released. This causes the whole program to crash since the SceneManager is Null to the .NET framework. Any solutions/suggestions?

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 8:53 am
by ElricDog
ctt thx,

I'm to newbie to irrlicht.NET to say you whats the problem. Maybe you can send me the project and i could take a look and post a solution.

send a pm to me.

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 12:02 pm
by ElricDog
New release.
I added tuto 04 Movement & 07 Collision.
Sources of patched NET dll are included this time.

Next release will take some time. My girlfriend is going to kill me :oops:

Posted: Sat May 28, 2005 6:15 pm
by Duncan Mac Leod
ElricDog wrote:New release.
I added tuto 04 Movement & 07 Collision.
Sources of patched NET dll are included this time.

Next release will take some time. My girlfriend is going to kill me :oops:
Hi Elric!


I have applied your Patches to our custom build - works like a charm!

Hope, you are writing all the missing .net features...

Tucan Entertainment

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:48 pm
by Guest
Hi! I am new with this engine and wish test this tutorials.

But I get some buid errors:

F:\Irrlicht\\07.Collision_cs\Example.cs(79): 'Irrlicht.Scene.ISceneNode' does not contain a definition for 'TriangleSelector'

F:\Irrlicht\\07.Collision_cs\Example.cs(208): Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Irrlicht.Core.Vector3D' and 'Irrlicht.Core.Vector3D'

F:\Irrlicht\\07.Collision_cs\Example.cs(210): 'Irrlicht.Scene.ISceneManager' does not contain a definition for 'SceneCollisionManager'

F:\Irrlicht\\07.Collision_cs\Example.cs(227): 'Irrlicht.Scene.ISceneManager' does not contain a definition for 'SceneCollisionManager'

F:\Irrlicht\\11.PerPixelLighting_cs\Example.cs(56): 'Irrlicht.GUI.IGUIEnvironment' does not contain a definition for 'AddImage'

F:\Irrlicht\\11.PerPixelLighting_cs\Example.cs(88): 'Irrlicht.Scene.ISceneManager' does not contain a definition for 'MeshManipulator'

F:\Irrlicht\\11.PerPixelLighting_cs\Example.cs(106): 'Irrlicht.Video.IVideoDriver' does not contain a definition for 'MakeNormalMapTexture'

F:\Irrlicht\\11.PerPixelLighting_cs\Example.cs(118): 'Irrlicht.Scene.ISceneManager' does not contain a definition for 'MeshManipulator'

F:\Irrlicht\\11.PerPixelLighting_cs\Example.cs(149): 'Irrlicht.Scene.ISceneManager' does not contain a definition for 'MeshManipulator'

F:\Irrlicht\\11.PerPixelLighting_cs\Example.cs(152): 'Irrlicht.Scene.ISceneManager' does not contain a definition for 'MeshManipulator'

F:\Irrlicht\\11.PerPixelLighting_cs\Example.cs(155): 'Irrlicht.Scene.ISceneManager' does not contain a definition for 'MeshManipulator'

F:\Irrlicht\\11.PerPixelLighting_cs\Example.cs(163): 'Irrlicht.Video.IVideoDriver' does not contain a definition for 'MakeNormalMapTexture'

Any help please?

Sergio Cossa

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:51 pm
by Guest
OK, I could already build the application without problems.
I had some mistaken references.

Excelentes ejemplos, muchas gracias Elric!!

Sergio Cossa

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:21 pm
by Galaxy613
Thanks a bunch Elric!!!! :D That translated 04.Movement example helped a TON!

This really sucks that I have no one to help me with C# IRRLicht :< seems like everyone uses C++ and nothing but C++, if I try to search the forums I only get stuff about C++, NOTHING to help me with what I need help with.

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:33 pm
by Guest
Links are broken.

*grabs gun, pulls trigger*

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 5:38 am
by shurijo
Great work :)

Any chance you've tackled tutorial 12 yet? I was doing fine unti I ran into ITerrainSceneNode which doesn't seem to exist in the Irrlicht.NET.dll yet.