Jumbled x mesh in Irrlicht

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Jumbled x mesh in Irrlicht

Post by Midnight »

I'm having the problem where my model is turning into a pile of shapes when loaded into Irrlicht.

I Exported it with panda to x put it in the dxmesh viewer and resaved it.
btw it looks fine in meshviewer.

then I put it into Irrlicht meshviewer and it's all jumbled like a pile of shapes things turned on axis and stuff and the debug shows odd points in space.

did I export it correctly? did i miss something? like the panda settings maybe? I've done this with simpler models before why is it doing this?

I thought there was a thread on this but I can't find it there are too many posts like this one.

please help.
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Post by r3i »

Hi midnight
I'm using the x files for my project.
I'have your same problem but I've fixed.

I don't know why irrlicht doesn't load mesh correctly but:

1) I've found a guide for exporting with x file from a site.


If you use 3DS but you can easily convert it for Maya.

2) Alignment must be on z.
3) Import with textures :D or you'll see nothing
4) Rotate the geometry with setRotation
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Post by luckymutt »

I was having a similar problem with larger models.
All of the objects would find themselves on top of eachother.
It seems like their relative positions aren't being translated properly.

This link goes through some of the settings:
http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... 5&start=15

good luck
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Post by Midnight »

I've tried many things from your examples but nothing is working yet.
I believe the problem is that it's not just a single mesh.
I believe you're right when you say their relative positions aren't being translated properly.

I'm going to give 3ds format a try instead.

But when I loaded the file in 3ds without any textures I could see only part of the model.

Any ideas?
Thanks for the help.

Post by Guest »

I found a similar problem with using .x files, but only if I had a texture with an alpha component... don't know if that is applicable to you?

I use .X files for the main bulk of the levels, plus .3ds for any transparency.

Why not use .3ds for everything? Well, I find that .3ds files are always lit with an ambient light no matter what, when imported into Irrlicht...!
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Post by vermeer »

*.3ds will break the mesh whenever there's a vertex with two UVs, which is common. Are badbad for normals, also.

Don't support long names, etc...

"I believe the problem is that it's not just a single mesh."

Yup, that is indeed the problem, imho. As found before.

Just welding a single vertex between parts should suffice fo rthis.

Using max, you first need to "attach" the objects, then go to vertex level, and weld em, one of each object. With only one, it'd be single mesh.

But who knows if for irrlicht is enough an attach...

My limits are allways in I don't code and don't have even irrlicht installed, but tend to know well the art side.
Finally making games again!
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Post by Midnight »

vermeer wrote:*.3ds will break the mesh whenever there's a vertex with two UVs, which is common. Are badbad for normals, also.

Don't support long names, etc...

"I believe the problem is that it's not just a single mesh."

Yup, that is indeed the problem, imho. As found before.

Just welding a single vertex between parts should suffice fo rthis.

Using max, you first need to "attach" the objects, then go to vertex level, and weld em, one of each object. With only one, it'd be single mesh.

But who knows if for irrlicht is enough an attach...

My limits are allways in I don't code and don't have even irrlicht installed, but tend to know well the art side.
This actually helps a lot... all of you.

Attach is the command I needed to know thanks.
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Post by Midnight »

Attach works I'm very new to 3ds I learned with blender and milkshape so 3ds is a bit odd for me.


just a crappy gif but you get the idea.
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