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.x and texture namefiles

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:50 pm
by r3i
Irrlicht Engine version 0.11.0
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
OpenGL Renderer
Quadro4 980 XGL/AGP/SSE2: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
Loaded texture: #DefaultFont
Unknown syntax while reading texture filename string in x file
Loaded texture: ./geometrie/mat/paint.jpg
Loaded texture: ./geometrie/mat/matteo2.jpg
Loaded mesh: ./geometrie/paletta.X

why that error?? Someone can help me?

SORRY FOR THE SPAM : there were an error so I've refreshed my IE window.
After it I0ve posted two threads!
Can someone repair to my mistake? Thank you and sorry

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:29 am
by bearSoft
Unknown syntax while reading texture filename string in x file
wouldent that mean that the file is corrupted?
If u have a texture file that does work, substitute the 'bad' one with the working one- that way u can isolate the problem.
if the error reapear it is engine/cpp-file in origin
if it doens not , it is the texture file that is corrupt. That cant be fixed

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:11 pm
by Electron
Unknown syntax while reading texture filename string in x file
That does n ot osund as though the texture is corrupt. Every program that exports .x uses sligfhtly different syntax. Try resaving the .x with dx meshview and see if that helps. If not, hand edit the .x to use the same syntax for materials as dwarf.x or earth.x which come with irrlicht

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:30 am
by r3i
Solved: I've isolated the problem.
It's my exporter.
Thank you guys! :$ It's nice.