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x files errors!!

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:57 pm
by r3i
Irrlicht Engine version 0.11.0
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
OpenGL Renderer
Quadro4 980 XGL/AGP/SSE2: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.
Loaded texture: #DefaultFont
Unknown syntax while reading texture filename string in x file
Loaded texture: ./geometrie/mat/paint.jpg
Loaded texture: ./geometrie/mat/matteo2.jpg
Loaded mesh: ./geometrie/paletta.X

this is my last output...

Unknown syntax while reading texture filename string in x file

why this problem??

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:56 pm
by Guest
What program did you make the model in?
How did you export it to an X file?