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Who is everybody?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 12:55 am
by qwe
Who are you? Where are you from? what's your programming background?

I am:

A 16-year old homeschooled kid in Oregon, USA(pacific NW) who's been at computers for as long as I can remember. Started programming at age 10 or even before, I can't remember exactly when. Started out with QBasic :oops: then went on to Pascal, and now, finally, C++.
I'm currently trying to create(with my sister's help) a game featuring certain choice Lego characters. This'll be a hobby project, not a commercial game, in order to avoid licensing fees 8)

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 2:24 am
by DarkWhoppy

Name: Tom Williams
Age: 14
Languages: C++, HTML, JavaScript(somewhat), and... some "fake" programming languages.
Location: GA, USA

Been programming since... June/July of this year.(2003) Not much to say... i've got some of my stuff from the past on my site.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 3:18 am
by Masdus
Name: John Bayliss
Age: 22
Languages : C++/C, fortran, HTML, Java, Basic, Perl, Phyton, Assembly, Delphi/Pascal
Location Newcastle, Australia

Been programming since i was 5 on and old texas system. Building web pages since i was 12, only started C++ and C since i began uni[/b]

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 3:35 am
by HIM
Name: Martin
Age: 24
Languages: ASP, VB, Javascript, Java, C#
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Started programming at age 7 with basica. Currently working mostly with VB, ASP. Started with c++ for about 2 months ago...

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 8:29 am
by niko
Very interesting thread :)

Code: Select all

core::stringc name = "Nikolaus Gebhardt";
s32 age = 24;
char* languages[] = {"C/C++", "C#", "Java", "Delphi", "PHP", "PL/SQL", "VisualBasic", "and some others"};
core::stringc location = "Vienna, Austria"
Started programming with BASIC at the age of 14, worked some years as programmer for game companies, now studiying software engineering.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 9:37 am
by VeneX
Name: Vincent van Rooijen
Age: 16
Languages: HTML, PHP, Java(and Jscript), C++ and Basic :D
Location: Heukelum, The Netherlands

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 10:24 am
by FleshCrawler
Name: Daniel
Age: 19
Languages: C/C++ and thats it :P
Location: Heerlen, The Netherlands

Started programming while i was 11 on Dos, but never created anything good, i now started active programming when i found irrlicht :P

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 10:36 am
by saigumi

Code: Select all

//!Removed namespaces to seperate IUnknown from irr::IUnknown
irr::core::stringc name = "John Goewert"; 
ir::s32 age = 27; 
irr::c8* languages[] = {"Visual_Basic", "Perl", "PHP", "Java", "Pascal", "IBM Assembly", "Motorola Assemply/PLA", "Mainframe Assembly", "Mainframe COBOL", "C++", "RPG/RPGLE", "Basic"}; 
irr::core::stringc jobfunction= "I was a green-screener (mainframe progammer) out of college. I'm now THE Systems Admin for the eCommerce division (100+ people) of an international corporation. I program for fun and personal profit. ^^";

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 1:38 pm
by Cleves
Name:Stas(i know it's weird)
Age: 18
Languages: C/C++ and Pascal.

I started programming at the age of 12.I was programming at Pascal first but then i moved to C/C++ and after that i discoverd Irrlicht. :wink:

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 4:31 pm
by Homer
Name: Thomas
Age: 19
Languages: Delphi, Java, (HTML), (JavaScript), QBasic :D and some C++
Location: Chemnitz, Germany

I've taken my first steps in computer programming with good old QBasic at the age of 9 or 10 I think. Later on I've discovered Borland Delphi at school and currently I'm learning to use Java at the university. Irrlicht now pushs me to have a deeper look at C++ :).


Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 5:56 pm
by parrazial
:lol: Hello
age :: 20
I am not good programmer.
but could you visit my site and my free little game
say your opinion !!! :arrow:
Do you like it . It is for you.
could you fill comment of my site??? :?:

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 6:05 pm
by keless
Name: Paul Zirkle
Age: 23
Languages: C/C++, PHP, HTML/JavaScript, Python, SQL
Location: Los Angeles, CA

First program in HS on a TI-83, a LORD clone. Graduated University of Southern California with a Bach of Sci in Computer Science one year ago. I have written tutorials on basic game engine programming ( ) and have made a game called FuzzPop ( ), as well as the IrrLicht Tetris game I am currently working on.

I have also made a cell phone game engine for BREW called MQEngine, and am currently contracted to make Ninja Gaiden (original title, not a clone) for BREW enabled cell phones.

Though college taught me syntax, I taught myself everything else. There is no substitute for motivated personal research.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 12:48 am
by Zaelsius
Name: Julio Gorgé
Age: 20
Languages: C/C++, VB, JavaScript, SQL
Location: Alicante, SPAIN
Ocupation: Computer Science student and lazy contributor to the engine :P

Coding since I was 14, I'd like to have more free time to help, but university usually sucks. :?

Right now finishing a mobile phone game and setting up my rear for the february exams.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 2:42 pm
by Silberwolf
My Name is Markus
My Age is 38
I developed my first game in 1981 on a sinclair zx spectrum (therefore you can call me a dinosaur :oops: )
Mostly working with Java i try to get familiar with c++ by using the addictive irrlicht-engine for making a game.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2004 3:23 pm
by Zizilamoroso

I'm 28 years old, maybe very old to some.

I've started out on a shitty HP laptop when I was 10. The laptop weighted over 20 kilo's, so you can imagine...

Then I bought a Commodore AMIGA when it hit the street. I coded for over 10 years on that machine(!!!), mainly in amos, some sort of prehistorical OO-like game language. At that time, pc's had 4 colors (if you could afford the extension card, that is) while the amiga already had 4096 colors built-in.

Now I can code C/C++, Java (also on palmpilot), VB, Cobol, TPascal, Assembler IBM360, ...