Problem about the pictures

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Problem about the pictures

Post by Guest »

I am trying to make a 2D game by using Irrlicht, I have a question about the pictures.

When I use DirectX or OpenGL render driver, my pictures look a bit hazy. I have tried the two pictures in the Irrlicht SDK: /Media/irrlichtlogo.bmp and /Media/irrlichtlogoalign.jpg. While using DirectX or OpenGL render driver, /Media/irrlichtlogo.bmp looks a bit hazy, but /Media/irrlichtlogoalign.jpg looks clear.

I wanna ask: Why? What's the difference between these two ones? How can I convert my pictures to "that format"?

Sorry for my poor English, I'm Chinese.

Post by Guest »

hazy? do you mean fuzzy? the pictures/textures have to be a power-of-two, e.g. 256x256 ... 123x543 will be fuzzy. if that does not work, try to turn off mipmapping for the textures.
Posts: 19
Joined: Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:22 pm
Location: France

Post by Didine »

You can also use the software driver. Try this :

Code: Select all

device = createDevice(EDT_SOFTWARE, dimension2d<s32>(Xres, Yres));

Post by Guest »

lol, great idea... why not use win95 too? :)

Post by Guest »

GFXstyLER wrote:hazy? do you mean fuzzy? the pictures/textures have to be a power-of-two, e.g. 256x256 ... 123x543 will be fuzzy. if that does not work, try to turn off mipmapping for the textures.
Thank you very much.
And thank you for correctting my word.
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