[AI class] problem with rotation

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[AI class] problem with rotation

Post by Guest »

i've got some model. I made a very simple AI class for it.

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direction = enemy->getPosition() - me->getPosition();     
vector3d<f32> zwrot() {
   return direction;
this is the code from my class, where "enemy" is ICameraSceneNode* and "me" is IAnimatedMeshSceneNode*.
And in my main aplication I've got something like this:

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there are no errors, but it doesn't work. How to make bot look at me ??
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Post by CZestmyr »

You can't do it this way.
If the vector3df is used for rotation, it has the data stored in radians (i gues), but your function returns just the distance from you to the enemy.

I suggest you do this:

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vector3df vec = me->getPosition() - enemy->getPosition();

//This then converts degrees to radians
vec *= GRAD_PI2;

That should do...
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Post by lor »

I forgot to log in. Sorry. Ok,vec.getHorizontalAngle(); doesn't work..

check it out :

'class irr::core::vector3df' has no member named 'GetHorizontalAngle'
so how to do it if this doesn't work ??
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Post by lor »

I forgot to log in. Sorry. Ok, doesn't work..

check it out :

'class irr::core::vector3df' has no member named 'GetHorizontalAngle'
so how to do it if this doesn't work ??
Posts: 22
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Post by lor »

I forgot to log in. Sorry. Ok,vec.getHorizontalAngle(); doesn't work..

check it out :

'class irr::core::vector3df' has no member named 'GetHorizontalAngle'
so how to do it if this doesn't work ??
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Post by CZestmyr »

It must work. At least it causes no problem on my compoter :P


1. Do I really see 'GetHorizontalAngle' with uppercase G? Do you know, that C++ is case-sensitive? Th function name is getHorizontalAngle()
2. What version of irrlicht are you using? Use the highest version number, if possible. I myself have 0.10.0 and am considering downloadin 0.12.0.
3. I'm out of ideas...
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Post by lor »

and are you sure, you used vector3df ?? I use the same version, and I tried using G for g
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Post by evo »

The getHorizontalAngle fuction returns a vector. So you can use something like this:

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core::vector3df   Direction(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
core::vector3df   Rotation;
Rotation = Direction.getHorizontalAngle();
printf("Rotation xyz=%3.3f,%3.3f,%3.3f\n", Rotation.X, Rotation.Y, Rotation.Z);
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Post by omaremad »

why not use arrases function

core::vector3df getTargetAngle(core::vector3df v, core::vector3df r)
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
//v -position
//r -target

core::vector3df angle;
float x,y,z;
x = r.X - v.X;
y = r.Y - v.Y;
z = r.Z - v.Z;

//angle in X-Z plane
angle.Y = atan2 (x, z);
angle.Y *= (180 / PI); //converting from rad to degrees

//just making sure angle is somewhere between 0-360 degrees
if(angle.Y < 0) angle.Y += 360;
if(angle.Y >= 360) angle.Y -= 360;

//angle in Y-Z plane while Z and X axes are already rotated around Y
float z1 = sqrt(x*x + z*z);

angle.X = atan2 (z1, y);
angle.X *= (180 / PI); //converting from rad to degrees

//angle.X -= 90;
//just making sure angle is somewhere between 0-360 degrees
if(angle.X < 0) angle.X += 360;
if(angle.X >= 360) angle.X -= 360;

return angle;


look at the wiki there are 2 ai classes there
Posts: 22
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 2:07 pm

Post by lor »

Ok, thnx it worked !!
By the way, I know about those classes on wiki, I have seen one of them and studiet it. But I simply want to learn something and not only download the class :wink:
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