simple Chess AI?

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simple Chess AI?

Post by Guest »


iam looking for a very simple Chess-Ai written in C++.
Does anyone of you know a such a ChessAI?

Or has anyone another solution for my problem?
Cause, i really don't know to create a Chess.AI,
I have created a board using Irrlicht, but know iam stuck.
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Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:05 am

Post by FlyHigh »

Chess AI is the hardest AI to write, mostly because its a game of perfect information (both players can see all of the game, unlike say poker where you only see your own cards)

Theres quite a good series (about 8 articles, i think) on -> articles -> AI. Although its a differcult read without prior programming/AI experience.

I had to do a chess game last year at uni, it didn't have to have AI so i just put one in the choose a random move from all available each turn, although playing AI against itself was quite fun :)

Post by Guest »

Mmmh, ok thanks. Maybe its better to create a random Move-Generator instead of a real Ai.

Post by Guest »

Well a random move generator could be easier but I don't think it would be a particularly strong chess player :wink:

You might google GNU Chess you can look at it's source code for ideas.
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Post by puh »
5K AI :)
Tip: JavaScript is pretty much just like C++
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Post by Megaman »

it's all based on backtracking...
I'd rather have a search engine or a compiler on a deserted island than a game.
John Carmack
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Post by bitplane »

I wouldn't recommend that 5k chess game, when faced with checkmate the computer cheats.
i feel like i've been robbed

Post by Guest »

If you want something simpler and can read python look here:
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