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3D Engine

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 5:53 pm
by dragonboy
Hello there,

As a newbie, I was overwhelmed by the amount of open-source 3d engines out there. I have a hard time trying to choose a suitable one.

1) How does Irrlicht compare to other 3d engines like NeoEngine, PLIB, OSG, OGRE?

2) Can Irrlicht be used in scientific visualization?

3) Audio support?

Thanks and appreciate your help! :P

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 6:57 pm
by cyberbobjr
Hi DragonBoy,
many arguments in favor of irrlicht :
- Collision detection is the best i ever seen in a free product.
- Node picking
- many features for visual representation (BSP/Particles/etc.).
- An excellent documentation.

Feel free to try it !
I have tested many engine : Crystal Space, Auran Jet, PowerRender, NeoEngine, Revolution3D, Genesis3D(another good engine but unsupported now), and irrlicht was really great and i hope that somes great features will be added in the future ! :)

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 7:36 pm
by Cyber_Sneak
i've also been checking out many engines. i found irrlicht accidentally on so far i've been very impressed. its fast, open-source (zlib not GPL), cross-platform, and can do lots of stuff. here's what i think of the other engines u mentioned:

neo - really getting to be a pretty good engine can do basically everything that irrlicht can. disadvantages: LGPL (u have to distribute your modifications). also, IMHO u can get things done quicker with irrlicht.

plib - dont really know. never really checked it out. doesnt seem to have as many graphical features as irrlicht. its also LGPL.

osg - like plib i've never really checked it out. doesnt seem to have as many graphical features as irrlicht, but i dont really know.

ogre - ogre is really coming along nicely. the version of ogre in CVS can probably do more than the current irrlicht version (it can do DOT3 bumpmapping and stuff) but i believe that irrlicht is faster and more efficient. and methinks all of ogre's features will be in irrlicht soon.

Check out the irrlicht tutorials and u will see how simple it is to get a great app up and running!

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 7:48 pm
by Cyber_Sneak
and MHO on sum of the other engines cyberbob mentioned:

crystal - the feature list is getting really sweet looking.....but crystal is getting bigger and bigger and more and more unorganized or so i feel. now simply initializing the engine takes hundreds of lines of code. IMO the difficulty that comes with this is not worth the few extra features at all.

auran jet - looks kinda impressive.......but not worth $30,000!

revolution3d - this is a VB engine if i remember right. i wouldnt touch VB with a 107 foot pole.

to me irrlicht seems better than any of these engines. plus if there are any features u want u can easily code them in using custom scene nodes. check out NeHe if u want sum great tutorials on OpenGL.

Game engine

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2003 8:41 pm
by dragonboy
WOW! Thanks a million for your comments, guys. That helps alot. :lol: