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what to do now

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:12 pm
by green_algae
i have read the irrlicht tutorials.
i have understood quite a lot n experimented with it

but this is only graphics part.
i'm quite excited but i have no idea wat to do next to make a game

can any one tell me which topics n tutorials to go thru

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:48 pm
by JP
What game do you want to make? I'd have thought the tutorials would be enough to get you started.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:54 pm
by Andreas
The irrlicht tutorials should be enough to start a simple game. :)

Look at the Techdemo (in the irrlicht directory under /examples/Demo)
to get an idea.
You could start by implementing your own IEventReceiver for handling a mainmenu, then one for the actual game.

Hope that helped, :)

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:51 pm
by dhenton9000
I can relate, buddy.

Irrlicht manages to take away all the heavy duty work to do game programming so the question becomes "Hey, what next?"

I didn't have an answer either, so what I did was start building little demos of game functionality, while I waited for inspiration.

The Irrlicht demos cover graphics, so I did demos like:

how to mark a cross hair for aiming.
How to crouch, jump, create an elevator, go up stairs.
Adding sound files.
Getting an animated mesh out of a modelling program and into irrlicht.
Game UI, counters, health meters....
Pathfinding and simple AI

I've been playing games and trying to break down what done and how would I do that in Irrlicht, then build a simple demo for that function. For animation samples, I unpacked files from Jedi Outcast and tried to imitate the UV mapping and animations.

There's always something to do.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 10:53 pm
by latentdisposition
Another option would be to begin looking into implementing AI. No matter what kind of game you are making, there is a good chance this will come in at some point. There are a couple of articles on the wiki and another pathfinding class was recently posted to the forum.

P.S. JP:
Dream Theater is the best band ever.

Edit: Okay dhenton9000 beat me on the AI thing.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:57 am
by JP
In an attempt to not spam, and not ignore something said to me:

They certainly are a great band, going to see them in Wolverhampton in October :D

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:02 am
by Guest
Maybe if the world and it's wife all decided *NOT* to make First person shooters (Which they will never finish btw) for their "first games" then you would have a clearer view of what to do next. Why does the term "GAME" become interchangable with "First Person Shooter" around these parts? Maybe irrlicht is pre-disposed to making quake style shooters but that is not all it can do by far. Where is the variety? the creativity?

There are many other games where crosshairs, crouching, shooting, walking and animating md2 files are not an issue. Go make something simple for gawds sake if you are new to it - deciding to make an FPS is a waste of time and should be left to big studios with enough time and money to attempt to make it worthwhile (even then most are derivative) unless you want to spend the next 2 years on something that only you will ever play.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:57 am
by Andreas
Anonymous wrote:Maybe if the world and it's wife all decided *NOT* to make First person shooters (Which they will never finish btw)
:lol: I thought everyone was making the next generation MMORPG for their first game (better than WoW ever could be, because they played lots of MMORPGs, but none had these cool features they are gonna implement!!!!!)... if there would only be *ONE* finished.... :D

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:02 am
by Midnight
Andreas wrote::lol: I thought everyone was making the next generation MMORPG for their first game (better than WoW ever could be, because they played lots of MMORPGs, but none had these cool features they are gonna implement!!!!!)... if there would only be *ONE* finished.... :D
Oh there will be my friend, there will be.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:12 am
by Andreas
Midnight wrote:Oh there will be my friend, there will be.
I hope so, though i doupt it. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:51 am
by area51
Why do people think FPS's are so hard? Please explain to me which part is hard.

Anyway, If you wait on a bit I might have finished IrrWizard. This is a small proggie that creates sample Irrlicht game projects that should save you a lot of programming.

It will have Menu's, Title screens, Scrolling credits screens, Guns/swords, health bars, ammo bars, all sorts of game stuff really.

Here is the placeholder link at the moment. Nothing to download as I havn't finished it yet.

(Warning!! being non funded, it runs the risk of being released as VaporWare)
Herbalaire Vaporizer