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Whats Everyones Specs? (Who Is continued...)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:18 am
by Midnight
Who is Everyone Thread: ... .php?t=846

Favorite Game Thread: ... php?t=3649

Ok we all know about these two posts if not take a look...

I've reached the point I'm sure many of you have where in order to determine how I should develop my software I need to know what everyone wants.

So I present my specs in hopes you will all follow suit so that community development can flourish.

OS: Windows XP Pro
CPU: intel 2.4ghz pentium 4
RAM: 512mb
HDD: 160gb
Prefered Desktop Res: 1024x768 32bit
GFX: personal: 128mb gforce mx 440 "no shader support" :? :x
barrowed: 64mb gforce ti 200 with pixel and vertex shader 2.0 :)
may soon have access to: 256mb ati x600 with shader 3.0 i think 8)

Main Irrlicht Language: C++
Secondary Languages: XML
Main Compiler: Micro$oft Visual C++ 6.0
Secondary Compilers: Codeblocks and DEV++

Mostly I want to know what my min and max settings should be there is no reason to support things even the community doesn't use.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:31 am
by Guest
Notebook (primary, i use it most of the time)
OS: Windows XP Home | Linux 2.6.13
CPU: intel 2.8ghz pentium 4 HT
RAM: 512mb
HDD: 80gb
Prefered Desktop Res: 1280x800 32bit
GFX: 128mb ati radeon 9600 mobility

Desktop (i dont use it very much, its more my home-server now)
OS: Windows XP Hom | Linux 2.6.12
CPU: amd athlon XP 3200+ 400mhz FSB
RAM: 1024mb (currently only 512mb, one ram is damaged *damn!* )
HDD: 100gb
Preferred Desktop Res: 1024x768 32bit
GFX: 64mb geforce 4 TI 4200

Main Irrlicht Language: C++
Secondary Languages (that i still use) : Edited: NONE
Main Compiler: MingW, GCC
IDE: Codeblocks, DEV-C++, WXDev-C++,SciTE Editor, KDevelop, Console

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:00 am
by Midnight
Good start I just wanted to mention that the secondary languages are what you are programming IRRLICHT with not just ones you use that belongs in the who is thread I think.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:34 am
by Spintz
OS: Windows XP x64
CPU: AMD 64 3500 ( OC to 2.31 GHz )
RAM: 1024mb
HDD: 120gb
Prefered Desktop Res: 1280x1024x32
GFX: FXF GeForce 6800 GT 256MB GDDR3 ( OC to 400/1100 )

Main Irrlicht Language: C++
Secondary Languages: None
Main Compiler: Visual Studio 7.1
Secondary Compilers: Dev-C++ ( just to release Irrlicht-Spintz )

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:07 pm
by luckymutt
General use and my light programming:
(Two Identical machines, one with XP, one with Slackware)
AMD Athlon 1.6
512mb RAM
40 and 80 gb HDDs
GeForce 4
1024 x 768 display
Programming Irrlicht and Win32 API in Dev C++

and The BEAST:
Dedicated for 3D creation, rendering and animation work:
Dual Proc. Intel Xeon 3.2 Ghz
2.00gb RAM
80 and 250 gb HDDs
NVIDIA Quaddro FX 3400/4400
2 x 1280x1024 displays

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 3:17 pm
by bakkdoor
Notebook (primary, i use it most of the time)
OS: Windows XP Home
CPU: intel centrino 1.6ghz
RAM: 768mb ddr2
HDD: 60gb
Prefered Desktop Res: 1280x800 32bit
GFX: 128mb ati radeon x300 mobility

Desktop (i dont use it very much, its more my home-server now)
OS: Windows XP Hom | Red Hat Linux 9
CPU: amd athlon 1400MHz
RAM: 512mb ddr
HDD: 160gb
Preferred Desktop Res: 1280x1024 32bit
GFX: 32mb geforce 2 mx

Main Programming Language: C++
Secondary Languages: Lua (Probably soon for eventscripting)
Main Compiler: MingW, GCC
IDE: Win: DEV-C++ | Linux: Console, (KDevelop)

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:35 pm
by Joe_Oliveri
OS: Windows XP
CPU: AMD 3000+ 2.0 GHZ
RAM: 1gb
HDD: 70gb
Prefered Desktop Res: 1152x864 32bit
GFX: Geforce 5900XT 128mb

Main Irrlicht Language: C#
Secondary Languages: C++
Main Compiler: MSVS C# Express Beta 2005
Secondary Compilers: BloodShed Dev-C++

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:06 pm
by Jamotto
OS: Windows 2000 + Windows 98SE + Windows XP + Topologilinux
CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2600+
RAM: 512MB
HDD: 290GB
Prefered Desktop Res: 1280x960x32
GFX: Geforce 6800GT 128MB

Main Irrlicht Language: C++
Secondary Languages: None
Main Compiler: Dev-C++
Secondary Compilers: Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:56 pm
by sRc
OS: Windows XP Home Edition
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+
HDD: 160GB+160GB
Preferred Desktop Res: 1024x768x32
GFX: GeForce 6600 256MB

Machine2 (notebook):
OS1: Windows XP Home Edition
OS2: Windows XP Pro x64
CPU: AMD Mobile Athlon 64 3400+
HDD: 80GB (20 GB x64 60GB Home)
Preferred Desktop Res: 1280x800x24 (Native Resolution)
GFX: Mobility RADEON 9600 64MB

Main Irrlicht Language: C/C++
Secondary Language: None
Main Compiler: DevC++ / Visual C++ Toolkit 2003
Secondary Compiler: DevC++ / Microsoft Platform SDK x64 Compiler

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:35 pm
by eXodus
OS: Windows XP Pro SP2
CPU: Intel P4 2.8ghz
Preferred Desktop Res: 1024x768x32
GFX: GeForce 5950 Ultra 256MB

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 8:01 am
by Frobozz
OS: Windows XP Home SP2
CPU: AMD AthlonXP 1.76GHz (may upgrade sometime in the next month or so to Sempron 64)
HDD: 120GB
Preferred Desktop Res: 1152x864x32
Usual Gameplay Res: 1280x1024x32 (lower refresh rate so I don't use for desktop)
GFX: GeForce FX 5700 256MB

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 2:38 pm
by Guest
Damn! everyone's computer is better than my little laptop:

OS: Windows XP Pro SP2
CPU: Pentium4 M 1.6Ghz
RAM: 256 Mb
HDD: 30 Mb
Preferred Desktop Res: 1400x1050
Usual Gameplay Res: 800x600
GFX: ATI Radeon M6 32 Mb

Well, is not that bad, I could finish coding a game with it :P

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:52 pm
by Guest
My Dev System:
OS: Windows XP Pro SP2 / Vista B1
CPU: Intel P4 3.8Ghz
HDD: 4x 200GB
Preferred Desktop Res: 2048x1024x32x2

Server System:
OS: Linux (Debian)
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+
HDD: 4x 200GB
Preferred Desktop Res: Console Only
GFX: ATI X300 128MB

Dev System 2:
OS: Windows XP Pro SP2
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+
HDD: 200GB
Preferred Desktop Res: 1048x768x32x2
GFX: Geforce FX 6600 256MB

Dev System 3:
OS: Windows XP Pro SP2
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+
HDD: 200GB
Preferred Desktop Res: 1048x768x32x2
GFX: ATI Radeon 9800 XT 256 MB

Dev System 4:
OS: Windows XP Pro SP2
CPU: Intel P4 3.2 Ghz
HDD: 200GB
Preferred Desktop Res: 1048x768x32x2
GFX: ATI X300 128MB

Dev System 5:
iMac G5 Std. Components

We have more Dev Systems, but this are the main ones.

Main Dev Language: C++ / C#
Other used Technologies: XML, PHP
Main Compiler: MS Visual C++ .Net 2003 / MS Team Source 2005 RC1
Main 3D Software: 3DS Max 7
Main Motion Software: Alias Motion Builder
Main 2D Software: Photoshop CS/Paint Shop Pro/Fireworks

Yes we are a Professional Developer, and yes we are using Irrlicht for some new small Projects ;)

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:18 pm
by bami
My "I do everything on this" machine
OS: Windows XP Pro SP2
CPU: Intel P4 2.4 Ghz
MOBO: Asus P4PE (533 FSB)
RAM: 512 MB
HDD: 160GB
Preferred Desktop Res: 1280x1024x32
GFX: ATi Radeon 9800 (PS 2.0, 128 MB RAM)

My "If this machine survives the app, the app is ready for low-end systems" machine
OS: Windows XP Pro SP2
CPU: Intel P2 350 Ghz
RAM: 256 MB
HDD: 12 GB
Preferred Desktop Res: 800x600x32 (what else on a 15 inch monitor?)
GFX: Nvidia Riva TNT2 (FF, 32 MB)

My "Whatever, its not even my" machine
OS: Windows XP Pro SP2
CPU: Intel P4 3.0 Ghz
MOBO: Chaintech something, runs at 800 FSB
RAM: 1024 MB
HDD: 200+12 GB
Preferred Desktop Res: 1024x768x32
GFX: Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 (PS 1.4, 128 MB)

Main Dev Language: GML (Game Maker Language, lol)
Other used Technologies: C++, Basic, PHP
Main Compiler: GameMaker 6 (interpreter, not really compiling) MS Visual C++ 6
Main 3D Software: 3DS Max 6
Main 2D Software: Paint :D

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 12:44 am
by Armen138
Dev system:

CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.0Ghz
RAM: 512MB
GFX: ATI Radeon 7000 Mobility
OS: Gentoo Linux, Gnome desktop

Gaming system:

CPU: AMD Athlon 2900+
RAM: 1024MB
GFX: Nvidia 6600GT
OS: MS Windows XP, Gentoo Linux


CPU: Intel Celeron 700Mhz
OS: GentooX/XBMC

Main programming language: C/C++
Compiler: GNU compiler
3D software: Wings3d