How to post user events? (solved)

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How to post user events? (solved)

Post by CZestmyr »

As the Subject of this thread says: I'd like to know how you post user events to the Irrlicht Device. I tried the method postEventFromUser(SEvent event) of the scene manager, but it doesn't work.
Last edited by CZestmyr on Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by etcaptor »

Here is an example. I use it to post events from my win forms
You ust define your event:

Code: Select all

void __fastcall TForm1::Form1KeyDown(TObject *Sender, WORD &Key,
      TShiftState Shift)

    SEvent event;
    event.EventType =EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT;
    event.KeyInput.Key = Key;
    event.KeyInput.Control = false;
    event.KeyInput.Shift = false;
    if(Key == 17)
        event.KeyInput.Control = true;
    if(Key == 16)
        event.KeyInput.Shift = true;
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CZestmyr without login


Post by CZestmyr without login »

Thanks, I'll probably have to upgrade to 0.12 (my current version is 0.10), because I can't find any postEventFromUser(...) method in the irrlichtDevice class. Anyway, I solved this problem by creating my own special event listener interface and my own event class :) .

Consider this thread solved.
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