question about lighting.

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question about lighting.

Post by Guest »

I want to be able to use dynamic lights in combination with a dim ambient light.I know if I set EMF_LIGHTING to true on my material it will use dynamic lighting, and false uses the driver's ambient lighting, but how do I combine the two lights, or create an ambient light to use when EMF_LIGHTING=true ?

Also, I was wondering if there was a way to set a maximum lighting value for my materials to keep them from overbrightening.
Posts: 370
Joined: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:54 pm

Post by pfo »

I think you misunderstand EMF_LIGHTING. When set to false, no lighting calculations are performed, when set to true, your material colors, lights and ambient lighting can have an affect on materials. If you want to play with brightening, mess with the mateial's emissive color when lighting is on, or mess with ambient lighting when lighting is on.

Post by Guest »

ah i guess i was confused. so i can alther the driver-> ambient lighting settings and that should work? I was thinking i'd need to create an ambient light but i guess it's built in.
Posts: 37
Joined: Mon May 09, 2005 8:03 pm

Post by Ishtm »

There is not ambient light, ambient light is denominated when the light not affect the model directly.

You can set ambient color of the material just like you set the diffuse color

I don't reallay apreciate the changes in the scene when setting
ambient color != diffuse color, even proffesional 3D software for default set of their materials comes ambient color equal to diffuse color. But I am not sure when uses radiosity render.
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