units in 3d space

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units in 3d space

Post by guest_ »


I have a question about wich "units" are used in irrlicht.
For example: if I define a radius in an createFlyCircleAnimator i define the radius as an f32.
My question is, what do this type really mean, is it pixels???.

This may be a dumb question but if someone could try to explain it to me
I would be very glad.
Posts: 31
Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:47 pm

Post by BlackNinjaGames »

I'm sure that units are whateveryou want them to be.

They can be meters, kilometers, inches, feet, millimeters, etc...

You can't really measure 3D scene's with pixels, however. If I draw a sphere with a radius of 5 in the middle of the screen, it will look much larger at 640x480 than if I drew it at 1024x768.
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