Fatal error C1010 what is this

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The dogpound
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Fatal error C1010 what is this

Post by The dogpound »

while i was doing the programing part in Visual C++ everything was going fine till i generated the code and found this:

fatal error C1010:unexpected file ending searching the precompiled heading directive

i need help so if anyone has the solution to my problem i'll be very thankful
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Post by BlackNinjaGames »

Try doing a full-rebuild. That's what I do whenever this happens to me. Usually has something to do with StdAfx.cpp (or .h)
The dogpound
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Post by The dogpound »

(please god forgive me for this noob question) how i do a full rebuild in
Visual studio C++ 2002
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Post by afecelis »

check this link about your error:

http://codeguru.earthweb.net/forum/show ... p?t=251785

for full rebuild, got to project-clean and then project-build

Post by Guest »

OK now that i did what the link i was provided it solved my C1010 problem
but something else hapenned when i generated the code around 23 errors
were found (aaaaaaaaarrrghhhh.... i'ma about to shot my PC) some body help me........

anyway i'll post the list of errors later because my vsc++ IDE is in spanish
so i have to translate them it's goin to take me a time but if anybody knows about this and can help me it woul be greate

By the way thanks to those who helped me with the C1010 problem
thanks a lot
The dogpound
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Post by The dogpound »

the post that says guest is actually mine so i forgot to log in before posting
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :!: :?: :!: :?:
The dogpound
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Post by The dogpound »

somehow i made it to fix my recent list 23 problems (all my mistakes with programming are of syntax and gramatical errors but well that's not the point now ) but now i get the C1104 error and i specified this direction for the irrlicht.lib file C:\Irrlicht-0.12.0\Win32-Visualstudio what's the solution for this
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Post by afecelis »

which compiler are you using?

You might not have the visualstufio lib in the folder so you'd first need to compile the engine to get it created so that your app can find it.
The dogpound
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Post by The dogpound »

where i can get a compiler for c++ 2002

also in the generate there's the option compile

but i don't know what compiler i have
The dogpound
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Post by The dogpound »

well i did some recon the problem seems to come from the linker
because even i specified the direction for the irllicht. lib file it still points the Fatal Error LNK1104 could not open irrlicht .lib
it also says that it couldn't find the irrlicht .exe file

all this mistakes and errors are stoping me from developing my game aplication so if anybody can give me a hand i would really apreciate it

Post by piot »

stop using evil precompiled headers :P
The dogpound
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Post by The dogpound »

the point is that i already corrected the precompiled headers deal
what should i do now

10:27 PM EDIT=well after following Piot tip i decided to re-check the precompiled headers deal it turned out that i didn't hit the aply button after
selecting the stop using precompiled headers YO piot thanks for the advice

but now all of sudden automaticaly after defenitly corretcting the precompiled headers deal
this happenned a new page called vector3d.h apeared with its on code already built
and this mistake in it ERROR C2857 the instruction #include specified in the lin commands option /ycstdafx.h in the source code file could not be openned any solution i'll try to fix this one by myself but if anybody already has the solution to this problem please tell me

10:50 PM EDIT=another problem showed up while vinculating(i did this for pure curiosity) Fatal error LNK1104:cannot open the debug\irrlicht.obj
any solution
The dogpound
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Post by The dogpound »

got stuck ( again ) any answer for the last problem
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Post by krama757 »

If you are using Visual Studio, check the msdn archives for your C2857 error. Sometimes they help out, but most of the time its just a stupid error in coding that you miss.
The dogpound
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Post by The dogpound »

i checked the msdn library and it didn't gave me any answer or solution to my actual problem plus i decided to build and compile the user interface
everything went well when generating but when i started it it said that it couldn't find the iirlicht.dll file in which derectory i should place the irrlicht.dll file
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