Directional Lighting

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Directional Lighting

Post by xycos »

I'm sure this has been asked before, but, anyway, I'm curious... is only point lighting supported in this engine normally, or is there a way to create directional lights w/o extending the API?

Best of Wishes,

Post by Guest »

i think irrlicht spintz has support for it (and if niko is merging irrlicht-spintz into the original irrlicht, irrlicht 0.13 will have support for it too! )
Posts: 70
Joined: Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:38 am
Location: Szeged, Hungary

Post by WToma »

Also, I've written a little patch that makes possible to create directional lights. Works with 0.12

See this thread: ... onal#48056
"This is not a bug, this is a feature!"
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