Smooth Terrain

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Smooth Terrain

Post by krama757 »

Guys, how do you make some nice heightmaps that dont look horrible like the one here:


Do you use some specific program? I use L3DT and the terrains come out fine in another engine, Truevision 3D, but not in Irrlicht. I have already tried gaussian blur and that didnt solve a thing.

That map is a 1024x1024 bmp map.

Spintz already told me about using his engine instead to use RAW files. But, what do you guys use instead of his RAW loader?
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Post by AlexL »

Instead of using the *.raw loader in Spintzs' engine, I use a *.jpg image that is converted from the L3DT program. With this is has loaded and displayed just fine for me, the only other thing I've had to do was set the LOD farther then the default so the terrain popping is less visable to the camera in use. Might try giving that a shot and post your resaults here, you should hopefully see a diferance in the terrain so it's not so level between heights :) If that doesn't work for you, I'll play around with it and try to help you out that way further, just let us know how the above turns out comparatively.
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Post by krama757 »


Alex my man, you are my hero :)

It worked perfectly. I had tried the jpg before, but it said it didnt accept greyscale jpg images. Just now it hit me to go to paintshoppro and increase the color depth and then save it.

BTW, for 1024 x 1024 heightmaps, what scale, LOD and Patch size did you use?


On another note, the FPScamera isnt working correctly. It seems to keep wanting to go in one direction and if you press anything else it stops. :)

I think I wanna write my own camera :P
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Post by AlexL »

Can't give you any help right off with the camera problem, I haven't no clue what may be causing that :? As for your LOD, patch and scale, I can't really tell you what to have; it depends on your game. As my game was based primarly off of the terrain, I had the LOD high so that you really wouldn't notice the popping that much, but I had the patch size down as you weren't walking on it but flying over at high speeds. So just set these depending on what your game requires of the terrain, and then fiddle with them after you get it set until everything is as you need :D
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Post by krama757 »

Hehe, aight.

Thanks a bunch.

Post by Guest »

very nice terrain screenshot krama. I would like to know how u can achieve terrain blending like this with irrlicht. I am working on it, too. But can't get it working. looks like U are using some kind of alpha layer.

I would like to achieve something like this but I can't see a way to do it in irrlicht. because you can't use more than two textures in a material.[/url]
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Post by BlackNinjaGames »

I think he just has one big texture stretch over it. Right?
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Post by krama757 »

Yep, one big texture and a detail map with it.

If you dont add the detail map it looks like crap.
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