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Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 5:53 pm
by Maize
Sorry for the posts that I made recently. I accidently forgot to sign out on the computer I was using. It was a public computer so someone probably sat down after me and took advantage of the situation. I feel pretty bad about the whole thing.It wont happen again. :oops:

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 6:51 pm
by Guest
Look, your really need to take *complete* responsiblity for your actions Adam. The hurtful and abusive posts your refer to were done over a 3 day period, at various times in those days. That makes it a little hard to accept the "public computer" story...

If you did what you did, just say so and get on with things. I'm sure that the people in these forums would say "ok, so you had a bad hair day", accept your apology and let it go at that... Don't try and fool people, you'll get caught every time.

I hope you will continue to post and be constructive and positive. :)

BTW, I've raised 5 boys, 2 girls and I have a 14yr old grandson and 12 yr. granddaughter, so I've been around a bit... :wink:

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:29 pm
by afecelis
Whoa! Intmain, I thought you were a teenager! :wink: Congrats for such a good and productive life.

@Maize: Admitting you made a mistake speaks well of you. But that's the problem of not measuring what we say and foreseeing its consequences. The worst part is that in the end one has to apologize and try to recover the harm done. Part of my job here, besides trying to help others on the few things I know of Irrlicht, is watching the forums are going fine and that people are coexisting in peace. Irrlicht is well known for its friendly community and the respect everyone shows one another. And although most of our members are youngsters, you must also remember there are adults here, with real life problems, trying to make a living in an honest way (Take Intmain for an example :wink: ) . These people are serious, professional, and don't have the time nor the patience to be ofended. So Ihope next time you think it twice :wink:

ps. I also think a PM to Yertari won't hurt.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 10:13 pm
by Maize
I dont know really know what they did after I left, so if you dont want to believe it, dont. Like I said, I wont let it happen again. I did make a few rude posts before that so you may have read those which I also apologize for.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:06 pm
by cpprules
what are these posts, i wanna read them!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:37 am
by Midnight
IntMain wrote:Don't try and fool people, you'll get caught every time.
Thats not true I trick you suckers all the time... heh

Ok so I'm full of crap and really bored..

what the hell are we talking about?

abusive posts? I gotta see this poop where they at?!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:11 pm
by afecelis
heheh, forgot you friggin' Overlords feed from chaos and anarchy!!! :wink: