IRRGI 1.0 - the visual gui editor for Irrlicht

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IRRGI 1.0 - the visual gui editor for Irrlicht

Post by Rm2kdev »

Hi there im rm2kdev aka Ryan you guys wont know me im new well i started using irrlicht for my 3d engine ive been programing for many years now and irrlicht is really good any way i found making Gui's hard and some of the tools that were out there to make the guis were a bit err50/50 so i thaught heck i think ill make a full IDE for irrlicht GUI editing.

This is version 1.0 it doesnt support all the GUI Controls but it will im working on it so any way here is some photos :)



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Post by BlackNinjaGames »

Oooh, sexy. :wink:

Imma have to use that.

Post by rm2kdev »

I havnt actually relesed a beta yet but i will soon sometime today or tomoro i will have most of the Gui Controlls up

i am also planning an Interpreter to go into Irrgi this will actually test your code before you copy paste it over into your c++ ide :)

I am also going to soon be getting rid of the Windows Controls and using the irrlicht control graphics as the Editor this will make it easyer for you to create IDE's with

Post by rm2kdev »

Please post some feed back on how u think it looks it is greatly appreciated

Post by Guest »

i think it looks pretty cool so far but whats about that big blank space right under the menu?

Post by Guest »

That my friend would be where the toolbar will go u know the standard buttons save load generate code etc

im currently at version 1.2 now a screenshot and demo will be posted tomoro
The demo should be moastly functional and allow allmost any GUI Creation.
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Post by MikeR »

I look forward to testing this. It's looking good. :)
If it exists in the real world, it can be created in 3d

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Post by Midnight »

pretty cool... wait till you see what I've been cooking up. 8)
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