Winter Demo Contest – Irrlicht Engine - A free open source 3D engine

Winter Demo Contest

Saigumi announced a Irrlicht Engine programming contest in the forum. Make your best Winter Demo, try to use as many base Irrlicht functions as possible. The winner will receive a license for Milkshape.
The rules are:

  1. All content, libraries, and tools used to produce the demo must be legitimate. No warez or stolen artwork and models. You may share artwork or models from other demos if the original author gives their expressed permission.
  2. It must use Irrlicht, preferably version 0.4.1 or 0.4.2 when it is released.
  3. The source code must be included with the entry. This is to raise the available examples of Irrlicht usage as well as allow other OS’es/Systems other than the one that was used to compile the application to run it.

On December 20, 2003 12:01 AM, saigumi will grab all the demos and announce the winner before December 25th.
For more informations, visit the forum.
The new shot of the week was sent in by KnightoFlight, it shows his new snow tutorial. Maybe a possible contest candiate. 🙂