Irrlicht Engine - A free open source 3D engine

Welcome to the Irrlicht Engine

The Irrlicht Engine is an open source realtime 3D engine written in C++. It is cross-platform, using D3D, OpenGL and its own software renderers. OpenGL-ES2 and WebGL renderers are also in development. It is a stable library which has been worked on for nearly 2 decades. We've got a huge community and Irrlicht is used by hobbyists and professional companies alike. You can find enhancements for it all over the web, like alternative terrain renderers, portal renderers, exporters, world layers, tutorials, editors, language bindings and so on. And best of all: It's completely free.

New project using Irrlicht: ‘The Agency’

Focus Enterprises is creating a 3rd person rpg shooter game entitled “The Agency” and uses the Irrlicht Engine for that. More informations can be found on their website.
BTW, thanx for all the reports sent in, but I could use some more. Just take a look at the previous news item. 🙂 I also updated the link section and added a lot to the development page.

Blackscreen bug

Back from holidays, looking at all the mail in my inbox, I see that there is a lot to do. I updated the shot of the week with a new screenshot from a program you can download here. It would help me to find a bug which occurrs with different gfx adapters, if you could start the .exe files in the archive and report any bugs and error/warning messages you get. There is a small .txt file included in the archive, descibing what to do. It’s the “black screen” bug I am trying to find, so its would be very nice if downloaded, ran the 4 programs and reported your results. Thanx!

Irrlicht Engine 0.3 released!

Finally here it is: The 0.3 release of the Irrlicht Engine. As always, there are a lot of new features included, here are some highlights:

  • The engine now compiles and runs on linux.
  • Skeletal animations. It is also possible to attach items to parts of an animation, e.g. a weapon to the left hand of an character.
  • Extended and more advanced 2D graphic capabilities.
  • Two new tutorials. All old tutorials have been updated.
  • Lots of bugfixes.

For more informations, please take a look at the file changes.txt. And here is another short news: For the next 2 weeks, I’ll be on holidays, where I’ll not have access to the Internet.

Skeletal Animations

The Irrlicht Engine is now able to do skeletal animations: It plays animations from Milkshape .ms3d files, which are loaded directly: No exporter is needed like in other engines. I also did some experiments on collision detection. But I am not really sure of the final interface, so I might do the next release without the long awaited collision detection feature.

Extended 2D graphics

I extended the engine a little bit, now it is able to do 2D graphics. Alpha blending, color key based blitting, font drawing and a lot more is possible. Mixing 2D with 3D graphics is no problem either, hence 2D can be used for example for interface drawing in 3D games. All this will be included in the next release (0.3), and I am going to write a tutorial on how to do this.

Irrlicht running on Linux

The last some days I was working on the Linux port of the engine. And now its nearly complete, only some minor things like keyboard input and cursor control are missing. Everything works perfectly, you now can write your game code once, and your game will run on both Windows and Linux, without having to change one single line of code.

New shot of the week

The new shot of the week shows a scene from a 3D jump’n’run/action/adventure game created by Torsten Damberg using the Irrlicht engine. You’ll get more informations about the game from his homepage:

Version 0.2.5 released

As promised, version 0.2.5 is now available for download. It is a non-sdk-release without documentation, examples and media, but full source and precompiled binarys are included. Highlights of the new features are:

  • Vertex alpha transparency material type
  • Collision manager with picking
  • Automatic culling
  • Texture removing and reloading
  • MD2 and 3DS bugfixes
  • Dev-C++ 5 beta 8 support

A detailed description of all changes can be viewed in the changes.txt file. You can download the package from the download area.

Announcing the coming of version 0.2.5

Because of some useful new already implemented features, I will upload version 0.2.5 in the next some days. Included will be all bugfixes with 3ds and md2 files, automatic aabbox based culling, the possiblity of removing textures, picking and a lot more. A shot of the collision manager currently picking an md2 model can be viewed on the left.

Development speed increasing

Some small and a little bit personal news: I quit my job as programmer at JoWood Productions for being able to finish my studies of software engineering at Vienna University of Technology. This means that from now on, the development of the engine will increase speed. I also updated the author page adding some informations about myself for the ones of you who asked. 🙂