Textures being displayed as they are loaded??? Problem...

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Textures being displayed as they are loaded??? Problem...

Post by Thomas_ »

I have been having a very strange problem for several days now and have been scraping my code with a fine comb to find the problem, but as far as I can tell, all my code is working fine. My only explaination is that perhaps irrlicht is just really messing stuff up internally... but i doubt this is true.

I cant post my code because i would need to post way to much to get across what i am doing, so i will try to explain instead. Basically I have created a Movie class which has a LoadMovie function. In the constructor you set the properties and then when you want you call LoadMovie with some info about where to find the frames and it will load frames like image_125.tga ... image_126.tga ... etc and will store all the ITexture pointers in a vector. Between retrieving each image, it will tell the program to Draw(). The Draw() function will do two things, it will go through each movie and allow it to decide which frame it is on, and then it draws. When a Movie* is "->Play(bool looping)"-ed it will create a new billboard and set the first texture. When Draw is called, each currently playing texture will decide whether or not to move to the next texture based on the time and the Movie's FPS. In my code, I load a new movie from 30 textures and then set it to play looping and then load a bunch of other movies while this movie is looping a short loading animation. As it plays however, the other movies will flicker over it as they are loading. There is absolutly no reason why the loading textures should be displayed like this. I have tested my code and many of the obvious problems that might cause this, if possible, are just not happening. I agree my approach is a bit messy, but i am working on this project to learn irrlicht, i dont pretend to be fluent with irrlciht :), and Everything seems to be working. It is not such a concern that the loading animation is not working, but if in my game the textures are not behaving like they should, i might run into even more trouble.

My only thought is that perhaps because i am loading the textures, they are somehow internally marked as the current texture because they are being loaded, and they are being accidently displayed.


Please tell me what you think is wrong...


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