I am new here and don't know Irrlicht well enough yet, apologies in advance. Just some opinions from an old pro engine coder:
- Please, please keep skeleton and mesh (envelope) separate, this is really needed for commercial titles. You can provide a simple method for loading and managing both together in one go for convenience.
- Use of Quaternions is a must (for blending). they also keep the use of constant registers low since they need less space and have the advantage that there isn't any matrix drift (i.e. renorthogonalization needed after incremental procedural animations).
- Forget (but keep) the old interface, just start with a fresh IAnimatedMesh2. All the IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getXXXJointNode() look like really bad design IMHO. Shouldn't we use a factory here? And an own data format has already been suggested many times
- Have a good look at OGRE's anim system (features here:
http://gpwiki.org/index.php/OGRE). Not saying they are top, but at least the features sound good.
- Is there a .plan or roadmap document for Irrlicht? I see 100% for the animation system, but surely that's 100% for of out of date.
Might be best for Luke to go ahead as he pleases, and then to modify/improve as needed.
Just my ...
Tnx, Battlestar