Importing Valve Hammer Maps
Importing Valve Hammer Maps
Is there any way to import a valve hammer editor map (.map or .rmf) into a scene-node? Maybe a conversion program to convert it into something Irrlicht can load or a snippet to load it in directly?
Valve Hammer Editor is really handy tool to use, but i dont think that it will be usable with irrlicht soon. Editor cant open compiled maps. There are several decompilers but they arent good enaugh to decompile map and make 1:1 project file as before compilation. So if there arent good decompilers - we would have sereous difficulties too while writing importer. I think better solution is MilkShape. It looks very similar to Valve Hammer Editor. Ofcourse there is lack of several features, like selecting in 3d view, but its the best solution if you want something like Valve Hammer Editor.
but the quake maps are also compiled, aren't they?
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Company:, InCourse
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Well, yes and no - only the main level geometry is decompiled all other entyties are ignored by Irrlicht...strong99 wrote:but the quake maps are also compiled, aren't they?

Maybe there is a reference to the data structure avilable so someone could write a decompiler (loader) for it (at least for the geometry)...
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try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java
try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java
there are many halflife bsp decompilers, maybe one is opensource so you can use it for a loader?
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Company:, InCourse
Twitter: @strong99
Company:, InCourse
Twitter: @strong99
When you compile a quake map, you run it trough some processes such as a BSP-partitioner and a lightmap-making program. When we open those compiled maps in irrlicht, we dont decompile them, right? Irrlicht just loads the compiled data. It would be very confusing if irrlicht decompiled them insteadAcki wrote:Well, yes and no - only the main level geometry is decompiled all other entyties are ignored by Irrlicht...strong99 wrote:but the quake maps are also compiled, aren't they?
Maybe there is a reference to the data structure avilable so someone could write a decompiler (loader) for it (at least for the geometry)...

Yeah, go on, screw me up !!!
Yes, you're right !!!
What I had in mind was the pk3 file what is in fact an archive holding all map datas...
So the "map-decompiling" I thought about then is "unzipping the file"...
And the geometry data then is stored in the bsp file (AFAIR)...
So what I meant is: you have to analyse the map-data file and learn the way the geometry is stored there !!!
Then you can write a loader for it...

Yes, you're right !!!

What I had in mind was the pk3 file what is in fact an archive holding all map datas...
So the "map-decompiling" I thought about then is "unzipping the file"...
And the geometry data then is stored in the bsp file (AFAIR)...
So what I meant is: you have to analyse the map-data file and learn the way the geometry is stored there !!!
Then you can write a loader for it...

while(!asleep) sheep++;
try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java
try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java
I was going to implement a .map loader for irrlicht but when I found out that each quad was actually the intersection of planes defined by three points, I decided that I value my sanity more than a .map loader!
I might just do it make a python script that will translate it another format that irrlicht can load. I've been working on the pseudo code but I wouldn't expect it anytime soon...