I've seen some impressive lighting in the demos.
I try to put this in mine and change it to work with my code and it compiles, but it is like nothing happened.
So, my question is how would i create advanced/plain lighting effects using opengl and dev cpp.
we have plans to run this on a ps3.
BTW i'm not a noob programmer, just a newb irrlicht user.
sorry, and thanks.
nice lighting
Make sure you enable the stencil buffer.
I just had that one catch me. Then,
Code: Select all
IrrlichtDevice *device = createDevice(video::EDT_DIRECT3D9,
core::dimension2d<s32>(640,480), 16, false, true);
Code: Select all
Did you set the node lightning to false ???
If so, set it to true:otherwise the nodes don't act on lights... 
If so, set it to true:
Code: Select all
node->setMaterialFlag(EMF_LIGHTING, true);

while(!asleep) sheep++;
try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java

try Stendhal a MORPG written in Java