Sorry didnt mean to be rude, of course you cant just add anything to the SVN.
Lets me explain what I would need it for.
I have nice rolling waves, a nice ship that climbs them up and falls down on the other side. Whenever the ship hits the water volume I want it to cast clouds of spray in the air.
My way of doing that is by using particles. Now the deeper the ship penetrates the water surface, the bigger the spray.
As I'm going to implement this I have to change the force of the particles and thus change the direction vector.
Now I could use a nasty hack, by scaling its ParticleSceneNode to the desired length. But I think thats really really really really really really ugly and not very intuitive anyway.
Changing the direction vector directly on the emitter would give me more control over that and its more user friendly.
(although I think It'd be better split up in a normalized direction vector and a force value)
Affectors by the way are pretty static, too. All I can do on them is to enable or disable them.
I also can imagine a much bigger diversity on affectors than on emitters, so the interface to interactively modify the force and direction would be the emitters in my opinion. Any emitter that would not use the direction vector, should implement an empty method.
Maybe I'm wrong here, but I think that everyone, who seriously works with particles will sooner or later stumble across the problem to change the particle directions. Or is it just me who likes interaction?