(Original post)

Yes ladies and gentlemen you are looking at a fully texture based shadow. Able to stretch, uneffected by complexity of geometry, and waaaay faster than stencil shadows. I have managed to partially integrate into irrlicht, the current shot has no texture but I have textures working, although there is too many artifacts to take a decent screenshot (So i have dropped to the light projection stage.).
This current screenshot is from a Radeon 9200 and is running at around 50fps, compared to stencils which drop to 15fps up close, and cause horrible self shadowing artifacts (The artifacts in this screenshot dissappear when textures are enabled, altho there r others which I have to fix first..).
Over the next few days/weeks, I will be thinking about making a shader effects library for irrlicht, particularly for lower end cards, such as the Radeon 9200 which only supports PS 1.4, or the 440MX which only supports 1.1 vertex shaders (But no shadow maps on 440mx im afraid..). I have a collection of converted NVidia shaders and others here and I think I can set up an efficient framework fairly quickly, that will allow you to do texturing, phong lighting, shadows, colour and movement effects using shaders.
Here is another shader named Mr Wiggles which I converted, it textures the object, applies diffuse (and specular I think) lighting and makes it wiggle about:

The non-textured, non-lighted version only uses a vertex shader and should work fine on very old or integrated graphics cards. Also note that this is not a post processing effect, but moves the vertices of the model themselves similar to the water scene node.