Hello All -
I'm moving nodes around using createFollowSplineAnimator(), some splines have only a few points, other splines have dozens of points. The nodes slow down at each spline point rather than staying at a constant speed.
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to set createFollowSplineAnimator() so that the movement stays at a constant speed?
createFollowSplineAnimator() - slows at each point
- Posts: 30
- Joined: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:21 pm
- Posts: 30
- Joined: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:21 pm
Maybe Spline is the wrong word
I've had a think about this problem. createFollowSplineAnimator() follows a spline which by its nature tends to be curved and curves mean slowing the node as it moves.
But the way I want to use it is to propel nodes in straight lines with occasional branches off. I use a tightness value of 0 because that makes the node actually hit the points and stick to them. But maybe there is a better api function I could use - instead of createFollowSplineAnimator() is there maybe a createFollowPolyAnimator()?
But the way I want to use it is to propel nodes in straight lines with occasional branches off. I use a tightness value of 0 because that makes the node actually hit the points and stick to them. But maybe there is a better api function I could use - instead of createFollowSplineAnimator() is there maybe a createFollowPolyAnimator()?
- Posts: 30
- Joined: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:21 pm
- Posts: 30
- Joined: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:21 pm
So far I'm having a really interesting conversation with myself 
I now believe a custom scene animator is the way to go here. The animator should accept an array of points to move through in a waypath sort of way and it should either loop when it reaches the final point or delete itself based on a passed bool.
I've found a suitable template animator on the forums which I think I can work from. This is a step up the irrlicht tree of difficulty for me so wish me luck
I'll post my results for the brave souls who follow.

I now believe a custom scene animator is the way to go here. The animator should accept an array of points to move through in a waypath sort of way and it should either loop when it reaches the final point or delete itself based on a passed bool.
I've found a suitable template animator on the forums which I think I can work from. This is a step up the irrlicht tree of difficulty for me so wish me luck

- Posts: 30
- Joined: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:21 pm
Hazzah! That wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. This is a waypoint animator that moves a node through several points. It's not constant speed but at least it only slows when changing angle, not when moving in a straight line through points like a spline animator.
The animator destroys itself using vitek's function from this thread. It will also remove the node when it reaches its destination if you want ;]
Usage is simple:
If anyone can spot any thing that could be done better - please let me know.
The animator destroys itself using vitek's function from this thread. It will also remove the node when it reaches its destination if you want ;]
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extern void ISceneNodeAnimator_addToDeletionQueue(ISceneNodeAnimator* anim, ISceneNode* node);
class IWaypointAnimator : public ISceneNodeAnimator
IWaypointAnimator(IrrlichtDevice *device, core::array < core::vector3df > points, bool DeleteNodeAtEnd);
virtual ~IWaypointAnimator ();
virtual void animateNode (scene::ISceneNode *node, u32 timeMs);
bool mDelNode;
int mCurrPoint;
IrrlichtDevice *mDevice;
core::array < core::vector3df > mPoints;
IWaypointAnimator::IWaypointAnimator(IrrlichtDevice *device, core::array < core::vector3df > points, bool DeleteNodeAtEnd)
mPoints = points;
mCurrPoint = 0;
mDelNode = DeleteNodeAtEnd;
mDevice = device;
IWaypointAnimator::~IWaypointAnimator ()
void IWaypointAnimator::animateNode (scene::ISceneNode *node, u32 timeMs)
int fly = 0;
if (mCurrPoint == 0)
//there must be a better way to compare vector3df's
if (node->getPosition().X == mPoints[mCurrPoint].X &&
node->getPosition().Y == mPoints[mCurrPoint].Y &&
node->getPosition().Z == mPoints[mCurrPoint].Z)
//i suspect this cast is the sign of a c++ n00b
if (mCurrPoint >= (long) mPoints.size()-1)
ISceneNodeAnimator_addToDeletionQueue(this, node);
if (mDelNode)
scene::ISceneNodeAnimator *delanim = mDevice->getSceneManager()->createDeleteAnimator(100);
if (fly)
scene::ISceneNodeAnimator *anim = mDevice->getSceneManager()->createFlyStraightAnimator(node->getPosition(), mPoints[mCurrPoint], 200);
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IWaypointAnimator *anim = new IWaypointAnimator(device, points, TRUE);