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Post by Strong99 »

at last :D we started with the AI, I can say thats the hardest part of all ^^ making a good AI.

dialogs works ok, actions in dialogs added for starting missions, teleporting, panels, shops and etc :P
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Post by Strong99 »

Friend menu working with chat options :P new scripting for dialogs for the npcs, speed upgrade and better lod :p
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Post by lostclimategames »

good to see its still going, when do we get a closed alpha test? :)
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Post by Strong99 »

don't know, my team fell apart again :cry: al code is almost working though but i havn't much models ingame.
The max user i have tested lately was almost 8, everything worked smooth i can say :)

My gateway project seems to go better than mythorgia :S my team at the gateway is now about 12 men, but i can't hold anyone at Mythorgia
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Post by lostclimategames »

what you should do is go to different forums for modelling such as blenders, or milkshapes, or even max's (tho im thinking the people there are mostly pro users, im not sure tho) and recruit in those areas, you would need to show them screens maybe, or let them test it, to show that you have a lot of work acutally done, and that its a serious project.
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Post by Strong99 »

I noticed the images in the main post stopped working... i will change them leeching is set off on my website :lol:

To give more server control we changed the way npcs are created, the server send info about an NPC where he is with his name and model and the client adds him in his world. the places where they start are defined and that gives the trick in the datapacket sizes :) the number of users we tested is 12 with 20 npcs with simple AI scripts,

on this time the server needed less than 1 ms to send data and 1 ms for AI
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Post by Strong99 »

Atlast the client redesigned to have better FPS, LOD upgraded and NPCs can die, well it was lots of work before the server start respawning the NPC in the good order after the full NPC group was murdered :roll:
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Post by Strong99 »

A big update :P we have now a new dedicated server and! Database server (as someone noticed to me for the speed). The current game server is now a service instead user application wich makes it work better on win 2003.

The AI has been updated to use a new system for the item distribution, we hate games like WoW - Silkroad an etc where you get a sword or shield by killing a wolf or other creature, so there's some realism in it :P

Most important :D for this forum, the game works ok under linux but with vista even our server stops responding after a network message from the vista pc.

We started with adding the dynamic story line but its more complicated than we tought, you have to think about NPCs wo are there after an event and wich arn't but that the game still continues how we planned.
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Post by Virion »

Keep it up strong99. :) Am waiting for your demo. lol
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Post by monkeycracks »

A solution to your vista problem : Burn all users with Vista.

But seriously, this is coming great and cant' wait for a release.
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Post by Strong99 »

well, microsoft is planning that evey xp user has vista in a while (what is going to take more time than they think i guess) and i want to let the game work on as much as platforms we can.

I updated the first post.


We have almost the factions working, the player should be able to create his own faction when he has enough money ;)
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Post by Strong99 »

we fixed the problem with vista, was some socket error created with vista wich killed the server and client.
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Post by Strong99 »

We added an option for particles system and sound nodes small bug with the sound nodes but can be fixed.
And we are searching someone for shader effects wich can be used for terrain, houses and such or someone who has a bright idea how to make a fast auto update program. :) The system for the players has been redesignd and is getting better for attachments like weapons, armor and such.

We also need someone who knows alot of security checks, cause we don't want someone edits the files wich are on the clients pc.
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Post by BlindSide »

What kind of shader effects? This one here is for terrain I posted in elvman's terrain editor thread:
BlindSide wrote:

Code: Select all

sampler2D coverage; //coverage
sampler2D lightmap; //lightmap

sampler2D splat1;
sampler2D splat2;

// Pixel shader output structure
struct PS_OUTPUT
    float4 Color : COLOR0;  // Pixel color    

struct PS_INPUT
	float4 Position : POSITION;
	float4 Diffuse  : COLOR0;
	float2 LightmapTexCoord : TEXCOORD1; //lightmap texture coords
	float2 SplatTexCoord1 : TEXCOORD2; //1st spalt texture coords
	float2 SplatTexCoord2 : TEXCOORD3; //2nd spalt texture coords
	float normalDist : TEXCOORD0;
PS_OUTPUT main( PS_INPUT Input ) 
	PS_OUTPUT Output;

	float4 TexColor = lerp(tex2D( splat2, Input.SplatTexCoord2),
					tex2D( splat1, Input.SplatTexCoord1),Input.normalDist);
	float4 LightmapColor = tex2D( lightmap, Input.LightmapTexCoord );  // lightmap

	Output.Color = Input.Diffuse * TexColor * LightmapColor;

	return Output;


Code: Select all

float4x4 mWorldViewProj;  // World * View * Projection transformation

// Vertex shader output structure
struct VS_OUTPUT
	float4 Position   : POSITION;   // vertex position 
	float4 Diffuse    : COLOR0;     // vertex diffuse color
	float2 LightmapTexCoord : TEXCOORD1; //lightmap texture coords
	float2 SplatTexCoord1 : TEXCOORD2; //1st spalt texture coords
	float2 SplatTexCoord2 : TEXCOORD3; //2nd spalt texture coords
	float normalDist : TEXCOORD0;

struct VS_INPUT
	float4 Position	: POSITION;
	float3 Normal		: NORMAL;
	float4 Diffuse		: COLOR0;
	float2 TexCoord0	: TEXCOORD0;
	float2 TexCoord1	: TEXCOORD1;

	VS_OUTPUT Output;

	// transform position to clip space 
	Output.Position = mul(Input.Position, mWorldViewProj);
	Output.Diffuse = Input.Diffuse;
	Output.LightmapTexCoord = Input.TexCoord1;
	Output.SplatTexCoord1 = Input.TexCoord0;
	Output.SplatTexCoord2 = Input.TexCoord0;
	Output.normalDist = Input.Normal.y;
	return Output;
It combines the 2 textures depending on the steepness of the ground, so you can use it anywhere without worrying about colouring individual tiles, it will be done automatically.
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Post by Strong99 »

yes somesort, we used a sort of splat but wouldn't work correctly on the models, cause of the uv and map scale on the model. but not with vertex heights, just with an texture wich specify's the different textures on wich places, like red for stones, green for sand and black for grass.

I saw the water node, thats something we also need, so we don't need a special shader for it anymore (if we get it to work).
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