The first is an Irrlicht-based version of an old FPS I made awhile back called "Two Lords". The current incarnation of the game is a simple raycaster-based FPS that's barely better than Wolf3D in terms of graphical presentation. I've wanted to make it a true 3D game for quite some time now but only recently found the time to mess with Irrlicht enough to get down to business with it.
The game is unlike most FPS games in the sense that it is set in ancient times and focuses around magic rather than guns. Also, it has an intricate storyline that drives the gameplay. Some people had said that this is what happens when an RPG developer makes a FPS.

The second is a 3D fighting game called "Black Satin". I made the original version in MUGEN for DOS back around 2000-2001, then attempted to make a newer version using YAGL last year without success.
The game's main attraction back in the day was that it's an all-female fighting game, and most of the characters are rather lightly dressed. But I also worked hard on storylines for each character and of course making the game mechanics work well. Hopefully this new incarnation will be as fun as the old one.
I do not have screenshots of either production at the moment, as I've been working on the backend but I'll get some screens of both uploaded as soon as I can.