Is there any tutorials on moving the FPS camera using different keys? I have gone through the movement tut but that only seems to work with other nodes and not the FPS one, am I wrong?
Moving the camera using W, S, D, A
Taken straight from the "Irrlicht Engine 1.3.1 API documentation "
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Look with the mouse, move with cursor keys. If you do not like the default key layout, you may want to specify your own. For example to make the camera be controlled by the cursor keys AND the keys W,A,S, and D, do something like this:
SKeyMap keyMap[8];
keyMap[0].Action = EKA_MOVE_FORWARD;
keyMap[0].KeyCode = KEY_UP;
keyMap[1].Action = EKA_MOVE_FORWARD;
keyMap[1].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_W;
keyMap[2].Action = EKA_MOVE_BACKWARD;
keyMap[2].KeyCode = KEY_DOWN;
keyMap[3].Action = EKA_MOVE_BACKWARD;
keyMap[3].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_S;
keyMap[4].Action = EKA_STRAFE_LEFT;
keyMap[4].KeyCode = KEY_LEFT;
keyMap[5].Action = EKA_STRAFE_LEFT;
keyMap[5].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_A;
keyMap[6].Action = EKA_STRAFE_RIGHT;
keyMap[6].KeyCode = KEY_RIGHT;
keyMap[7].Action = EKA_STRAFE_RIGHT;
keyMap[7].KeyCode = KEY_KEY_D;
camera = sceneManager->addCameraSceneNodeFPS(0, 100, 500, -1, keyMap, 8);