Problem exporting from Blender for Irrlicht

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Post by virious »

When I'm importing any exported file from Blender, in irrEdit some of walls are invisible, and some faces are shown, but after rotating it to the other side, they disappear :/. Maybe it is some problem with face culling? I have no idea :/.
Sorry for my english.
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Post by xDan »

Yes, in blender, edit mode, click mesh->normals then there's options to recalculate outside or flip them. Also in the editing panel there's a button to enable drawing face and/or vertex normals so you can see which way they're pointing.

There's probably also a way in irrlicht to disable backface culling...
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Post by virious »

xDan wrote:Yes, in blender, edit mode, click mesh->normals then there's options to recalculate outside or flip them. Also in the editing panel there's a button to enable drawing face and/or vertex normals so you can see which way they're pointing.

There's probably also a way in irrlicht to disable backface culling...
Thanks, I tried recalculating normals in blender and it helped :). Now in irrEdit I can see whole mesh, but I can only see faces from inside or outside :/. I've tried to find the option in irrEdit but haven't found it :/.
Sorry for my english.
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Post by xDan »

It's under the material settings.
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Post by virious »

OMG, I'm so stupid. I've been there in materials tab, and I was disabling backface culling, but I didn't noticed that I can swith between materials. So I disabled backface culling for all materials and it works! Thanks for help! :D.
Sorry for my english.
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Post by Cardinal4 »

Erm, yeah, I have some more issues regarding animated exports from Blender to Irrlicht, but didn't feel it warranted a new thread. Okay, so here's the problems I having:

When using the .b3d exporter, my animated model doesn't animate at all in IrrEdit. And it's completely white in color too. For the exporter settings, I'm using just the Material colors, and for the 'Export Action', I used the name of my IPO curve.

I tried using the .x exporter. It looks okay - the models are not centered around the origin [strangely i didn't do anything at all], and there's colours. But my animation, which is supposed to be 360 y-rotation anim, ended up scaling to 0, flip along the y-axis, enlarge, repeating again, when I load it in IrrEdit.
Though it works perfectly alright in the DirectX mesh viewer?! :shock:
EDIT: I can't do CTRL-A before exporting, because if i did that my object will not be rotating about the y-axis anymore [because of IPO]. Even if I did CTRL-A, the animation is still as screwed up as before.

I'll be really grateful if anyone would be willing to give some advice on this, it hasn't been working well for me at all. Here's the .blend and .x file to understand it better:<-May have a 404 error; if so, just refresh the page.
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Post by vermeer »

imo, better stick to b3d. is easier, less problems, better.

you need to do UVs and asign tetxures, I guess that's the reason for white thing...
'Export Action', I used the name of my IPO curve.

is the name of the action, not the ipo curve...maybe I am not in the actions viewport, using the one with which you made that animation.
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Post by Luke »

When using the .b3d exporter, my animated model doesn't animate at all in IrrEdit.
check it's just not animating very slowly.

b3d mesh's frames are times by *100.
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Post by Cardinal4 »

Oops, yeah, setting the Action's name instead of the IPO worked, and so did increasing the framecount. It's animating successfully in .b3d now. :D Thanks!
Sketches of a rambling mind
Still a long way on learning Irrlicht...
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