Screen shot: What's the point? My scene node doesn't even render itself,duh!!
Small update:
-Fix a very stupid bug in iteration.
-Since the scene node is only seen in design-time, not run-time, it now draws its bounding box.
-Removed the "constructor parameter"
New link:
Old link:
The zip file contained source code and the plugin.
Installation and usage:
Copy the EntitySceneNode.dll into the plugins folder of irredit and the scenenode_entitySceneNode.bmp into the resource folder.
When you start irredit. You will see a blank space in the plugin toolbar. That's my custom sceneNode. Click it and a scene node is created.
In the node specific section there are these fields:
PropertyCount: accept number only. This is the number of the custom properties.
Propertyn: custom string, the number of them depends on PropertyCount.
Since the scene node is invisible, i suggest you should make it the child of another node.
This scene node supports cloning
That's all for the plugin.
About the scene node:
It has 2 methods:
Code: Select all
const s32 getPropertyCount(); //return the number of property
const c8* getProperty(s32 propertyNumber) const;//return the (n+1)-th property (the first is 0)
One more thing: credit is appreciated. Please don't change the button icon, i love it. The scene node does nothing and it will be used in my game engine(called Illusion3d) so it deserves nothingness