Hi, anyone there

Well actually I think I have in part solve the problem.
But it is strange, if drawAllDebugInfo is off then the bouding box of irrlicht are draw else where. If it is on, then it draws in the "right place" but some of them kinda bad.
I am using irrnewt to make some tank simulator and I have some problems that are making me work hardly.
As I think I say in other post, I have made turn the tank in the "real way" but as another user said, it seem slow, so I have to increase the torque in the case of turn. Is this a failure of newton?
But about irrnewt, these are the problems that I have:
For example (tell me if I concetual wrong):
I have the tank base like a irrlicht node and irrnewt body (actually like a IvehicleSimple with 9 wheel per side).
Then I have the turret like another irrlicht node and another body with a hinge joint. Is this correct? Should I use another type of joint?
But the problems is the POINT OF JOINT BETWEEN THEM!.
There is not a function on irrnewt that returns you the boundingbox from newton perspective, I mean like irrlicht have for the visual part.
I mean the ones that you can see when you set "drawAllDebugINfo" on.
The other thing: if I do this:
Where punto2 is a node sphere from newton and joint is the joint between the tank base and the turret and this functions is called on every loop:
Why it draws me on the start position an not with the tank along its movement?
This problem makes the problem before even more difficult to resolve.
Another problem: Why my program get stuck when I used EBT_AUTODETECT for the turret for example. It has not so much polygons.
It gets stuck or is just proccessing and I must wait LONG time?
In resume: I have problem to position in exact way (remember it is a simulator) every part of the tank with irrnewt it seem unpractical.
If I doing anything wrong I will be thanked if you tell me.
Thanks again for such an exelent wrapper and I hope your help.